Chapter 17

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Stacey's POV

The sheriff looks at the six of us skeptically after we tell him about Kevin's accident. "You know ladies I have been out here a lot since the three of you moved here." Nick looks at the sheriff "what are you implying are you saying one of us did this?" Nick goes to step toward the sheriff but Mallory grabs his shoulder he looks at her and stops I look at the and wonder if there is something between them should I be worried or was I over analyzing this. Howie looks at the three of us then back at the sheriff "These ladies don't want trouble they just want to run the ranch." Kevin hands the sheriff a copy of the footage from the cameras "this is proof analyze this and you will see who the real trouble maker is." The sheriff takes the copy then gets in his car and leaves we stand there for a few minutes then all look at Kevin when he speaks " I think we need to have another meeting." We all nod then walk in the house and go to the kitchen.

Mallory's POV

I try to pay attention while Kevin is talking about increasing the security again but I zone out and start thinking about other things. I look out the window and at the fields once this pow wow was over I was going to see Diablo he needed the exercise I noticed he was testy this morning out on the barn. I look down when I feel a tug on my jeans and see Ginger tugging on them with her small puppy teeth I smile then pick her up in my arms and start rubbing her belly "The three of us will be moving in the house." My head shoots up and I look at Stacey then think to myself please say no I could tell she was uncomfortable with this idea "No way we can't do that there has to be another way." Kevin looks at her "yes way there will be no arguments about this Josh will come back and I believe he will target the house next time this is the only way we can protect each other we are moving in." Stacey nods her head then Vanessa speaks up "The guys can sleep on the floors of our rooms Kevin can be in mine, Howie can room with Stacey, and Nick can be in Mallory's room." Kevin agrees. "That settles it we will be in by tonight." Great just great I think to myself

Howie's POV

I walk in Stacey's room and drop the last of my stuff in front of the window where it is out of the way. I turn around and look at her then run my hand through my hair "is there any place you would like for me to put my stuff?" She looks at me "I cleared some shelf space in the bathroom, there are some empty drawers on the dresser and I cleared some closet space for you too." I nod my head "thank you Stacey." She nods "you're welcome Howie I'll uh let you unpack your things." she turns around and walks out of the room leaving me alone in the silence I take a deep breath and sigh then think to myself well that was awkward.

" she turns around and walks out of the room leaving me alone in the silence I take a deep breath and sigh then think to myself well that was awkward

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Kevin's POV

I look up from the boxes of my stuff when I see Vanessa standing in the door way I smile and she walks in the room I look at her and scratch the back of my neck. She looks at me "there is room in the closet for your clothes and towels are in the hall closet." I nod "uh thanks Ness." "Um you're welcome Kevin." She walks out of the room I groan and run my hands through my hair this wasn't how I thought my first night in her room would go and she probably didn't plan it this way either. This was definitely weird and very uncomfortable I hoped things didn't stay this way.

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