Chapter Three - Jasper

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WARNING: the following chapter, and honestly the entire book, contains explicit sex.

The book is marked 'mature' for a reason - and while it's not aimed at under-18s, I'm no fool, I was once under-18 and literally nothing short of the internet dying forever would have kept me from reading porn.

So given that the audience here might include younger adults, I want to remind everyone to *please wear protection when having sex*, especially if it's casual sex with people that see other people. This goes for oral as well as penetrative sex - it's vital to make sure everyone is protected from STDs and any potential pregnancy. There are a ton of different options, but remember that most protection is only 90-something% effective, and sometimes combinations are needed for full protection!

Okay now I've given you The Dad Talk, I can now tell you to go ahead and read the porn.

Love, Cam

Chapter Three


"Wow," I said loudly to Tom, as we entered the club. "Holy shit, it's hot in here. I'm regretting the leather trousers."

"You'll get used to it," Tom replied, right in my ear but still having to shout a bit. "In time. Listen, I'll get us some drinks. There's one of my friends working behind the bar. Come meet her!"

We sat at the bar, and Tom leaned over to kiss a very glittery drag queen on the cheek. "This is Sapphire!" he said, glitter now on his lips. He raised his voice above the music. "Sapphire, this is Jazz! He's new."

She smiled and waved at me, her highlighted cheeks twinkling under the neon lights of the bar. "You're very cute!"

I blushed a deep red. "Oh, thank you!"

Sapphire laughed at my red cheeks, and grabbed a martini glass. "I'll fix you a Cosmo." When I frowned, my alcohol knowledge only really including beer, cider, and Jack Daniels, she said, "It's fruity; you'll like it."

Tom started waving at some friends further down the bar, and I kept talking to Sapphire. I watched as she made it, pouring what she explained to be vodka, cointreau and cranberry juice into a cocktail shaker, leaving the glass aside with ice in it to chill. I was surprised more people weren't ordering the fancy drinks, but in all fairness most people were on the dance floor and there were a ton of discarded shot glasses on the bar.

"Here you are," she said, pouring my Cosmo into the glass. She picked up a bit of orange peel that she had cut, and set it on fire with a cigarette lighter. I blinked as she squeezed the peel and the flame burst upwards. "It's always fun to make drinks where I get to play with fire," she beamed at me, her pink lipstick shining in the neon lights of the club. "Enjoy, sweetheart."

"Did you say your name was Sapphire?" I asked.

She nodded. "Edward when I'm not dressed up. But Sapphire when I am."

"Okay," I said, and then awkwardly asked, "Do I call you she, or he?"

She smiled. "'She' when dressed up, 'he' otherwise. So how do you know Tom?"

"From school, we're both in the awkward 'adults returning to finish their A Levels' group," I explained. I took a sip of my drink and was surprised; the vodka was definitely there, but it was fruity enough that I didn't feel it was too strong. I wondered if making drinks taste more fruity than alcoholic was slightly dangerous.

"Well, I'm glad he has someone there," Sapphire beamed. "And are you two...?"

I choked a little on the drink. "Oh, uhh, no - we've never really even hung out, to be honest, we're only very recently friends." Sapphire gave me a knowing smile and I tried to return it. "Sorry - I feel a little out of place, I'm so new to all of this," I admitted. "I don't even know what to do here. I've never been to a gay bar. I'm not even out."

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now