Chapter Four - Ross

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Some of you may be thinking 'I swear the original book wasn't this horny'. You'd be right, but I think it adds something new to the book *cough* I just wanted to write about dick *cough*

Love, Cam

Chapter Four - Ross

I had made one of the best sexual decisions of my life inviting Jasper back. It wasn't just that he was cute, it was that he felt everything so intensely. Every touch seemed to spread like wildfire through his veins, every kiss seemed to completely undo his composure, every bite made his whole body tense. It was captivating. I was confident in bed; I knew I was good. But this took my ego to a whole new level. Having this beautiful man beneath me, writhing just from a few light touches of his hips and kisses to his neck, it was addictive.

Usually, I wanted to make my sexual partners to feel good. I prided myself on being a good fuck. But never before had I ever wanted to please someone as much as I wanted to please him. After the first kiss, he looked up at me, his lips parted, a blush spreading across his pale skin, his eyes already unfocused and submissive. I knew I was screwed. I knew I wouldn't be satisfied until I'd completely and utterly broken him.

His body was so fucking hot, the way he responded to everything, and the moans and gasps that rose from his lips should have been illegal. It took every ounce of willpower not to bend him straight over the bed and fuck him into the mattress until he was begging me to come. I took my time, teasing the brattiness out of him, watching him become more pliant beneath my hands. When he dropped to his knees I could have passed out, so much blood rushed southwards. His mouth was hot and wet and when he looked up at me and those blue eyes caught my gaze, I nearly came just from that.

Pulling him off me and shoving him back on the bed, I tried my best not to show just how much I needed to fuck him, but it didn't last long. The second he spread his legs and pleaded with me to fuck him, I was lost. My mind clouded over. All that existed in that moment was the need to fuck Jasper. I went slowly, made sure he was having fun, but all I needed was to sink into him and fill him up. Moving slowly was agony, and it was perfect. The second I bottomed out, fully inside him, I had to catch my breath. It was like his intense reaction to everything was infecting me, because everything seemed so much stronger than it usually did. I was aching, throbbing, and my god I needed to fuck him hard.

At one point, he looked at me, and I knew I wouldn't last long if I could see his face, so I flipped him over. That did not help as much as I thought, because now his perfect ass was in my hands. I lost control then, but all I got in response was moans and begging and fuck, he was killing me. I closed my eyes and felt him tense around me. It was too much. I came harder than I ever had before.

But even that wasn't the strangest part. The strangest part was that afterwards, I needed him. It had been such an intense experience, such a wild ride, that I needed him to stay next to me. I needed to hold him. My arms wrapped around him, once we had cleaned up, and pulled him down next to me. I felt my logical brain screaming at me to stop doing what I was doing, and I ignored it. I inhaled the scent of Jasper, and fell asleep.


It wasn't until I had nearly reached Café Latte the following morning, that I came out of my sleepy stupor and realised I had set myself up for a lifetime of mocking. It wasn't like me to let someone stay over at mine. It screwed with the casual side of things to wake up with someone, and I really wasn't into spooning usually. But I'd been exhausted by the time I'd finished with Jasper, and I'd clearly wanted physical contact.

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now