Chapter Twelve - Ross

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Chapter Twelve – Ross

Café Latte was nicely quiet on the evenings. Just before we went to the bars, I liked to go there for a coffee. It was nice to relax after a long day at the office, especially now my new position meant that office days ran from 7am until 8pm most of the time. The cafe itself closed around 9pm, and it was basically empty by the time we turned up for a coffee.

"My week has been horrible," I grumbled to Raven, flopping into the chair beside her. "I knew it would be an increase, but it is ridiculous - I'm exhausted. I'm going to get wrinkles. I'm taking years off my life."

Raven smiled slightly; she had been subdued for a few days, since her meeting with our father, but she was starting to get the spring back in her step. "I'm not surprised it's a lot of work given the paycheck they're giving you. Anyway, you love your job really - so what's eating your ass?"

"I'm struggling to find a photographer," I sighed.

Harper sipped his coffee. "Still?"

"And I have to deal with freaking Calum until I can phase him the fuck out," I said, remembering that it was next on my list of things for the shoot. "The photographer-hunt is taking up all of my life. There's genuinely nobody. I gave up on finding someone as good as Lewis, but every time I meet someone for an interview, I can just tell there are going to be clashes with the rest of the team. Managing a lot of creative types means there is going to be a lot of creative clashes."

"I know the feeling," Edward sighed. "Trying to find a makeup artist is a nightmare – I remember searching far and wide for one when I was told there was a chance I'd get to perform."

"So what did you do?" I asked him curiously, wondering if it might help in some way.

He shrugged. "Picked up a makeup brush and did it myself."

I groaned. "That's really not helpful, I don't have time to learn the art of photography."

Before Edward could interrupt, Lucie brought a cup of coffee over. "Here you go, darling," she told me, and kissed me on the cheek. "Are you okay? You look like you could do with some sleep."

"Work," I groaned, leaning into her hug. "Sleep sounds great, can you stop the world for like twenty-four hours so I can recharge?"

"No, but I can get you some coffee cake," she offered smilingly, patting me on the head. "Cherry, can you bring some of the coffee cake?"

"Sure Luce!" came Cherry's voice.

"I don't need cake," I sighed. "I need c-"

"Ross," everyone groaned.

Lucie smiled, and released me from the hug. "I can't get you that, dear; surely Fruits would be better if you're looking for cock?"

We all laughed, especially as Lucie rarely used language like that, but I noticed she looked really tired. "Luce, are you okay?" I asked in concern. "I'm not the only one that could use some sleep."

Lucie smiled a little worriedly. "Yes, dear, it's just that after the other day, I've been looking after Tom - not to mention worried about Jasper. We can't exactly visit him, given him not having come out yet, but I want to comfort his parents as well, they must be very confused about everything."

I had never been more confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. "What happened?"

Lucie frowned, and then looked at Raven. "I thought you told him."

Raven pointed at Edward. "Don't look at me, Edward said he was going to break the news, I had nothing to do with it!"

Edward protested, "Wait, no, I said I'd tell him, and then we agreed it would be better coming from Jenny or Lucie anyway, remember?"

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now