Chapter Thirty-Six - Epilogue

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I really thought it would be easier to finish this book the second time around. I already did this emotional moment when I first wrote it - how hard could it be now, right? Well, it's hard. Saying goodbye to these characters again, after I reworked them, got back into their heads, gave them life again... it's always so sad, and so happy at the same time.

Thank you so much for reading this again. It's truly been an honour.

Love, Cam.

Epilogue – Ross

"Fuck you, you fucker!"

Edward, who was lazily lounging on the hammock, looked over at me in amusement. "Having some difficulties there, Ross?"

I looked at the disassembled metal sticks angrily, clutching a spanner and a hammer. "I'm supposed to attach metal stick C to metal stick E using a bunch of little silver things."

"So what's the problem?" Edward asked, flicking through a makeup magazine.

I looked around at all the parts set out neatly. "I don't see metal stick C, there are two metal stick Es and the little silver things could be in Mexico for all the good they're doing."

Edward smiled to himself, and then said, "Why on earth did you offer to assemble it then? Never send a fag to do a dyke's work. You should have asked Jenny."

"I should've asked Jenny," I groaned, sitting down on the grass. "When the fuck is she getting here?"

"She's taken Jasper to look at ornaments," Edward said, and then added sarcastically, "Because that's all an ornament shop needs; a lesbian's decorative eye. Talk about role reversal; Jenny with interior design and you with power tools."

I located and picked up one of the little silver things and threw it at him, knocking the magazine sharply out of his hands.

He looked over at me indignantly. "What was that for?"

"Help!" I demanded.

Edward pushed himself out of the hammock, rolling his eyes as he strutted over. "Honestly, why do you even need this? It's by far the most complicated looking stand for plant pots I have ever seen."

"Jasper wanted it, so Jasper got it," I replied, lying down in the grass. "God, this is more of an effort than it's worth."

"Then why don't we just pack it in and have a vodka martini?" Edward suggested hopefully.

I nudged him. "I told myself I would get this fucking thing built today. He's going to end up coming home with just a buttload of plants, and nowhere to fucking plant them."

Edward picked up one of the little silver thing, and then dropped it, screaming, "Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, there's a spider on it!"

I rescued the spider, releasing it into a bush, and picked up the silver thing. "Never send a queen to do any work."

"Ha, ha," he said, hand dramatically placed over his heart. "This is a bad idea – and why couldn't we assemble it indoors, where wildlife can't attack us?"

"Because it's meant to be assembled outdoors," I said, taking the instructions from him.

"We should just wait for Jenny," Edward replied, examining the instructions. "I'm pretty sure you were looking at these upside down."

"Good idea," I said, and then heard the side gate to the house creak open. "Hello?"

I heard Jenny shouting hello, and then she and Jasper walked into sight with three thousand bags of shopping. "What the fuck did you buy this time?" I asked him, as he put the shopping down on the garden table. "Is there anything left in any of the stores you've been to?"

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