Chapter Twenty-Four - Ross

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Chapter Twenty-Four – Ross

It was the day I had dreaded, and the day I desperately wanted to get out of the way. Today was shoot day. I had arrived hours early with Louise, inspecting every single bit of the set we had set up the day previously, making minute changes that really didn't change anything. I felt confident. I felt in control.

Darren, our new model, had just arrived. Louise was making some calls to make sure everyone was running on time, and the set designer was frowning a little at the small changes we'd made. Jasper was with us as well to observe how a shoot happened, sitting quietly in the background, trying to blend into the furniture so he didn't cause any problems.

"Ross?" he asked, and I looked over expectantly. He nodded to the other end of the room. "That looks like it could be your boss?"

I glanced over to the doors and spotted Terry walking in. "Okay, I'll just - son of a bitch," I muttered to myself as I saw Peter following him into the room.

"What?" Jasper asked, peering around me. "Who is that?"

"The bane of my existence," I replied, and then straightened my suit out. This was going to be one hell of an afternoon. I grabbed Louise. "What the hell is he doing here?"

Louise shrugged, and continued speaking, "I don't care if it breaches privacy policies, you need to give me her personal number right now-"

I frowned, confused, but Terry and Peter were nearing, so I forced a smile. "Hey, boss," I greeted Terry. "Oh, Peter - this is how you spend your days off?"

Peter's smile was irritating. "Just had lunch with the boss," he said. "Thought I'd look in." Smarmy prick.

"Everything looks great!" Terry exclaimed, looking around at the set. "Is Darren settling in okay? I'm sorry you had to find a model as well as a photographer."

"It's okay," I said, gesturing towards Darren. "Darren, this is my boss Terry Harrison, and one of my colleagues, Peter Callahan."

Darren smiled politely, extending his hand to both of them. "Nice to meet you both - and thank you for entrusting me with this opportunity. I hope I won't let you down."

As Terry began to ask about his previous work, I saw Aaron waving at me frantically from the door leading off to the room where Denise did makeup. I frowned and he beckoned me over. "Excuse me," I smiled to the gentlemen. "I just need to chat to our makeup artist."

I walked calmly off, but I had a strange sense of foreboding. Once behind the door, I demanded, "What the hell is up with the mime act?"

Aaron was with Louise, who looked at me concerned. "Your photographer isn't here," she said hurriedly. "I've been calling, she was supposed to turn up ten minutes ago, and she hasn't."

It felt like my heart had stopped for a moment. I shook my head. "I swear to God, I'm quitting this damn job the second I find something else," I hissed, and then pointed at Louise. "You keep calling. Aaron, you tell makeup and wardrobe to take as long as they physically can."

I took out my phone and dialled Lewis' number. "Hello?" he answered.

"Do you have any photographer friends that wouldn't mind coming in immediately?" I asked quickly. "My photographer hasn't shown up for the shoot, isn't answering her phone, and I am freaking the fuck out."

"Uhh," Lewis replied. "I mean, I don't know. I can ask around and see if someone can rush in, but it's during the lunch rush and traffic is really bad. Text me the address, I'll see who can come."

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now