Chapter Thirty-Five - Jasper

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Chapter Thirty-Five – Jasper

Three Years Later


I laughed as Lucie flung her arms around me, squeezing me tightly. "Steady on, Luce, you'll crush a rib."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous!" she giggled, and then froze, her body going tense.

My smile disappeared. "Lucie? What's wrong?"

She let go of me and held me at arm's length, shooting me a disapproving look. "What have you been eating? You're skinny as a rake!"

"Oh, is that all?" I laughed in relief. "I've been eating plenty, stop overreacting."

Jenny clapped a hand on my shoulder, and then kissed me on the cheek. "Jesus, you are skinny," she said, eyeing me in concern. "Are you eating enough or is it just that you have a lucky metabolism?"

"Lucky metabolism," I said dryly, as I looked around the café; the décor had changed from its typical cheery rainbow-pride, to a more stylish mahogany and glass combination. I noticed that the counter was also glass, but was coloured beneath with the rainbow shades. I grinned; it was perfect. "This place has changed so much."

Lucie laughed at my expression. "About a month ago. Classy, hmm? Edward did most of it."

Edward had been working with Jenny for about six months doing interior design work. He had a good eye and was enjoying it, but it was just part-time to supplement his income while he worked on drag. He'd just had an offer from a cruise company to be their performer for the LGBTQ+ cruises, and was seriously considering it.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, having expected to at least see Tom here.

Jenny grinned. "They'll be here; they wouldn't dare miss it. I'd shoot them if they did."

"Edward will be here soon," Lucie smiled brightly. "Raven might be a bit late because of work, but she's on her way. Tom's a little late. They'll be here soon, though."

"Nice," I nodded. "Harper?"

"He'll be with Ed," Jenny confirmed.

"Is your family coming today?" Lucie asked me.

"My parents should be along, yeah," I said, checking my watch. "At some point after five, they're still decorating the new place. Andrew will be here as well, and possibly Cyri and Rory if they can get away from their own families."

"Brilliant!" Lucie cheered, indicating the food. "You all need a huge congratulation for finishing uni anyway, so I cooked enough food to feed-"

"-the Western hemisphere?" I finished for her.

Lucie nudged me. "Don't be cheeky, Twinkie!"

"I've missed you calling me that," I admitted to her. "You have no idea how terrible it is to be hungry in the middle of the day and know I don't have your food to look forward to. I'm glad I'm earning plenty and can live off takeout; I can't cook for shit."

"Good," Lucie said firmly. "Always a reason to come back."

I laughed, but then Jenny added tentatively, "Uhh, Ross might be here, Jasper. He'll want to see Tom and everyone - and he'll want to congratulate you."

I nodded, smiling. "Guys, you don't have to tiptoe around me. It's been three years, it's not like it's the first time I've seen him."

"I know, but..." Lucie hesitantly said. "You two do manage somehow to turn up to events at different times, it's almost like you worked out a schedule."

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now