Chapter Fourteen - Ross

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Chapter Fourteen – Ross

As I woke up the following morning, I stretched out and felt a warm body next to me. I looked sideways and realised Jasper had stolen the covers off me in the night. I tugged half of it back onto me, and pulled him into my arms. He stirred slightly, but then nuzzled into my neck, settling back down.

"Jasper," I whispered to him, shaking him slightly. "It's eight - we have to get up."

"Mm," he grumbled, holding onto my body. "No up - only sleep."

"You've got classes in an hour," I reminded him, and pulled the covers off him entirely. He swore at me loudly and I slapped him on the arse lightly. "C'mon, get in the shower."

Jasper groaned, but dragged himself out of the bed. He was only in his boxers and it was a great view to wake up to. His lean body was covered in scratches and bruises from the previous night, with bite marks up his back. I felt a little guilty for adding to the only partially-healed marked from his fight, but he had quite literally begged for it. He grumpily stomped his way to the shower, me following him feeling like an animal stalking some particularly noisy prey.

Jasper leaned over to turn the water on, and I hummed in appreciation as he gave me a great shot of his ass, covered in similar marks to his back. He laughed and said, "Who's the nineteen-year-old, me or you? Sometimes it feels like you."

The room slowly started to fill with steam, and Jasper got into the shower. I watched the water run down his body, his hair getting darker as the water saturated it. I leaned against the wall, watching the show as he relaxed underneath the waterfall shower head, his muscles unclenching. He opened his eyes, and asked, "Are you going to join me, or are you just going to stand there watching?"

"Difficult choice," I grinned, but shrugged off my shirt and underwear and got in with him. God bless the person that designed this shower to be large enough for two. I washed his back for him, tracing the lines of scratches as he shivered and gasped at the pain. I kissed his neck, nipping at the bite marks, and his back arched, shoving his arse against me. "If you insist," I chuckled darkly.

Jasper moaned when my fingers teased him, leaning against the shower wall to steady himself. He was sore and a little red from last night, but it didn't seem to bother him. I considered what I wanted, and then dropped to my knees gently. I'd asked him if it was okay the previous night, and he'd consented to trying it out, but I'd wound up losing my patience and fucking him into the mattress. Now, I was a little more patient and much more satisfied.

My tongue swept over his hole, and the filthiest noise I'd ever heard broke from Jasper's mouth. I nearly lost it, my fingertips gripping into his ass as I steadied myself and did it again. His legs started to shake and he moaned, rolling his hips. I took that to mean he definitely enjoyed it, but I wanted to check in, so I stopped.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Why'd you stop?" he whined, and I grinned, returning to my task. Water was dripping down into my mouth as my tongue worked him open and I moaned at the taste of him. I reached around for his cock and found it rock hard, and I felt my stomach flip at how hot that was. He was easier to open up than normal, given last night, and my tongue flicked inside him.

"Ross, p-please," he whimpered. "Please fuck me."

Goddamn. He would be the death of me. I got to my feet, leaning out of my shower to grab a condom from the medicine cabinet, sliding it on. I went to finger him open, but he hissed, "Just fuck me."

I pulled his head back by his hair, biting down on his neck and scolding him. "Don't tell me things like that, or you'll end up hurt, brat."

He grinned devilishly and pouted, "Please fuck me, sir?"

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now