Chapter Fifteen - Jasper

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Chapter Fifteen – Jasper

I had left my parents and Andrew in the living room to discuss what had just happened, and to get cleaned up in the bathroom. I wiped all the blood from my chin, and luckily my lip had stopped bleeding. I groaned; another week of it healing was on the cards. I sighed, and took off the bloodstained shirt I was wearing, before turning around to head to my bedroom. A few weeks ago I didn't think I'd be Googling 'how to get blood out of clothes' for the second time.

"Whoa," I said, as I saw Andrew hovering outside. "Jesus, do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"Harry Richmond," he said carefully. "Tall, with dark hair, right?"

I warily nodded. "Yeah, although that also describes fifty other guys at my school."

"I was friends with his brother," Andrew explained. "And he seemed alright. I'm sorry that Harry's giving you such a rough time. I hope the family doesn't make things harder in the meeting."

I shrugged. "It's okay. I know that not everyone is going to change overnight. Or ever."

I seemed quite accepting and carefree, but inside my stomach was tied in knots. The fear of Harry, the adrenaline from the fight, the rush of sadness and happiness mixed from coming out to my parents; all of it was not making me feel very good at all. "I'd better get changed," I said, walking out of the bathroom. "I think my shirt might be done for, though. I honestly don't know how anyone who has periods manages with this shit."

"I don't think it usually shoots out their nose," Andrew said fairly. He eyed my hands, concerned. "You're shaking."

"Are you surprised?" I asked incredulously. "I got punched in the face and then came out, is that not enough adrenaline for once person?"

Andrew smiled a little. "I think they'll be fine with it, you know. It'll just take a bit of getting used to. They might say some things that are outdated, but you have to be patient with them."

I rolled my eyes, tugging on a new shirt. "I'm not going to be making out with guys in front of them or anything, you know."

"Probably for the best," my brother snorted, sitting down on my bed. "But I just...I can't believe that so much has changed recently. You're coming out, you're making all these new friends, you're getting into fights at college – you, of all people, got suspended from school!"

"I know, I know," I said, and then frowned. "In all fairness, I didn't go looking for a fight – it was purely defence."

"I know," Andrew nodded. "It was nice of Ross to swoop in and save you. I take it he's one of the group that Tom introduced you to? Harper, Edward, and that mean chick?"

"Raven," I snorted. "Can't wait to tell her you called her the mean chick."

Andrew looked like he was going to say something, and then gave a slight shake of his head. I frowned, and pressed him to speak up. He awkwardly asked, "I know you told our parents that Tom isn't your boyfriend, but-"

"Not my boyfriend," I repeated.

"Okay, okay," Andrew held up his hands in surrender. "But is there someone? Did you meet someone?"

"Uhh," I said cleverly.

"There is!" Andrew exclaimed at the look on my face. He clapped his hands gleefully, and I momentarily wondered if there was any way of getting out of this conversation. "Go on, who is it?"

I hesitated. "Umm."

"Is it someone at school?" Andrew asked enthusiastically.

"No," I laughed at the thought of anyone coming out after rumours spread about the first fight. "I just - it's not a boyfriend or anything, I'm just... I don't know, enjoying myself."

Fire and Freedom - Book One of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now