Chapter 24

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"So, what else do you want to know from me? You claim that you want to know more about, but you don't even have any questions to ask me. So what do you want to know?" Niall says.

I don't want to ask so many questions. But I need to know more.

"Do you go to university? Or work anywhere?" I ask.

These questions aren't personal, so they should be okay.

"Yes and kinda" Niall replies.

"What do you mean kinda?" I'm confused.

You work or you don't work. As simple as that.

"Well, I do work but I haven't lately. I've been caught up with stuff. That's all." he says.

"Okay. Well what university?" I'm curious. We might be close.

"You probably don't know where it is, but I'm at CQU. It's holidays there but I'll be back next week on Thursday." Says Niall


"I know." I reply overjoyed.

"What do you mean." do you stalk me now?" Niall seems a bit creeped out because I know when he goes back to university. Well when we go back to university. But I know that there was a bit of humor in his tone.

"I go to CQU! I got in this year. It's not far away from my house, so I can get to and from there." Thank god I already know someone at CQU.

"Nice. This is gonna be my second year there." Niall seems no where near as excited as I am.

I wonder if we have some of the same classes. Probably not seeing how he is a year ahead there.

But if we were in some classes, it would be pretty cool.

"I would never think of you as one who goes to university though. Not trying to be mean by the way." I say. Hoping that he's not offended.

"Don't worry. Everyone thinks that when they find out. They think that I'm one for parties, getting drunk and hooking up with random chicks." Niall shrugs off my statement with no care what so ever.

*hooking up with random chicks*

Niall's words finally sink in after a few small but pointless conversations.

Is that what's happening with me and Niall. Im just a random chick for Niall to hook up with. I sure hope not. He doesn't seem like that kind of guy anyway.

Only time will tell

(Sorry I didn't update yesterday! it was too hot to think straight. Ill hopefully be updating more chapters each day because they are quite short.

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