Chapter 11: The Reaping

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Author's Note: Ok I feel better now :) I got almost 700 long, meaningful comments! And no one telling me that they wanted the story to be discontinued. I now feel completely and utterly loved. I had more comments on that than I did votes in the last few chapters! I need you guys to give me that feedback all the time, otherwise I never would've doubted myself! I had no idea that so many people still read this! I usually get like 300 votes and 100 comments. WHY DON'T I GET 700 VOTES?! Come on you guys! You need to be more vocal! 

As promised, the moment came. 

It didn't feel real. I felt like I was walking through an awful dream, heading closer to my demise. I felt like at any moment, I would wake up, and all of this hell would be over. I would be in my cozy home with my alive mother and my whole father. Drea and Cane would be sitting together in the living room, pretending that they weren't flirting with each other. Mom would be making me eggs; the one and only food she can make. Dad would be trying to bother her, but not too much. He would be annoying just enough to make her laugh, not to make her angry. I would smile at my family and best friend. Everything would be okay. 

But there's no waking up from this nightmare. 

It felt strange, heading toward the Reaping. Mom described the fear of the Reaping to me so many times. At the time, it felt unreal that such fear could be felt. The Hunger Games were far off, in the back of my mind. Now, it's immersing my thoughts. Going to the Reaping is a lot worse when your fate has already been sealed. 

"Crystal!" I heard a voice yell behind me. I turned to see Ivan running towards me. He's dressed slightly nicer than normal for the Reaping, as is the expectation. I'm wearing a dress, which is probably way too expensive for the occasion. Dresses aren't my thing, but my mom gave me this one. It only seems right that I wear it as I get Reaped. It's dyed snake skin. The outside is black, and the middle is turquoise. It's tight fitting and comes up to my neck. It's cut like a tank top. 

"Hey, Ivan," I said. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

I laughed. "As okay as I can be in the situation, I guess. And you?" 

Ivan looked at the ground. "I was just saying goodbye to my family. I couldn't bring myself to tell them that I know I'm being chosen. So I just told all of them how much I loved them." 

I've never met Ivan's family. It never even occurred to me that he probably has family. Someone had to have raised him. He must have people from District 11 that he cares about. Now he's being torn away from them. At least I don't have any one I care about here. All of the people I care about are in District 1, safe from the Reaping. I'll probably die in the Hunger Games, and they'll live out the rest of their days in District 1, with different names and different hair cuts. 

"You've never told me about your family," I said. 

"I'm not really that close with my parents," Ivan replied. "They're a little distant. Self-obsessed, you could say. My little sister, on the other hand, is my best friend. Her name's Grey. She's the greatest person I have ever met. She's selfless. She's funny. She's beautiful, humble, kind..." Ivan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "i love her. And I'm losing her." When his eyes opened again, I could see his tears. 

I blinked, and I wasn't surprised to find my own tears spilling onto my cheeks. 

"Hey, don't cry. I've seen you cry too often since we've met and I don't like it," Ivan said. 

"I was just thinking about Cane," I replied. "He's the best brother anyone could ask for." I closed my eyes and saw his face in my mind. His dark brown hair, the cheek structure that's identical to my dad's, the huge goofy smile, the twinkle in his blue eyes... I can picture him so clearly. I can almost pretend that he's really here. "I'm the older sibling, but he's always protecting me. He's more than just my brother. He's my best friend. I never feel like he's my younger brother. We're closer than that, if that's even possible." I opened my eyes. "I miss him." 

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