Prologue: 440 Years ago

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"It says here we are invited to the birth of Elrond and Celebrian fourth child" Thranduil told his wife as he held their son Legolas. He gave Legolas his bottle as he watched his wife feed the baby elleth they had taken in a 160 years ago. After the death of his captain of the guard and his dearest friend along with his (the guard's) wife.

"I can't go Thranduil we have two children to look after" his wife tells him.

"Maybe I could go with by myself pay our respects, while you stay here to look after the children" Thranduil suggests. Still looking at the letter he'd received from Lord Elrond earlier that day. His wife thought of his idea as she continued to feed Tauriel her bottle.

"That seems the best cause of action and I'll be fine for a few days" she told him after thinking.

"Then I will leave tomorrow, it says in the letter Celebrian is due to give birth any day now" Thranduil stated. Legolas finished his bottle and gave a small yawn as Tauriel did. "I think it's time to put these two into their beds" he said and his wife agreed. They put the two in their beds and his wife sang them a lullaby.

(next day)

Thranduil was packed and ready to leave after breakfast. He was saying goodbye to his wife and the two children. "Please stay safe until I return" he tells his wife and son.

"We will be fine Thranduil, now go or you'll be late" his wife told him. Thranduil sighed before kissing her one last time and hugging her along with their son. Then placed a kiss on each of the children heads telling his son to look after the two girls. He then mounted his elk and set off towards Rivendell.

He reached Rivendell the next day and was greeted by Lindir. "Lord Thranduil, you have arrived just in time Lady Celebrian has just gone into labor" he informed Thranduil in elvish while bowing his head. "I will lead you to the waiting area while someone tends to your elk" he states. A stable hand took the elk's reins from Thranduil before he followed Lindir into the palace.

They soon reached the waiting room where Elrond and Celebrian's other three children were waiting with their grandparents. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien. Along with the two wizards Gandalf the grey and Suraman the white. Thranduil sat next to the lord of Lothlorien as they waited for news.

A few hours later there was the sound of a new born baby's scream as she or he entered the world. Waking the three elflings who slept in their grandparents laps. Elrond came out shortly after asking if they wanted to met their new little sister. Nodding their heads they got off their grandparents laps and followed their into the room.

The next to greet the new arrival were Celeborn and Galadriel. Followed by Gandalf and Saruman, then finally Thranduil himself entered the room. He saw the three elflings asleep on a big bed. While on another Celebrian sat holding her new daughter in her arms humming softly. Elrond stood next to her looking at them fondly.

"Thranduil, please come met my new daughter Nimmeth" Elrond said as he noticed Thranduil by the door. Thranduil walked forward as Celebrian placed the baby beside her on the bed gently as she slept. Elrond moved to one side so that Thranduil could have a closer look at the baby girl who opened her blue eyes. He could see she had dark hair on the top of her head already like her older siblings. But she had her mother and grandmother's beauty.

"She is special" Thranduil stated holding his hand out to the child. She grabbed his finger as tightly as she could in her little hand. "I have brought a gift for her, someone that will always protect her" he told the parents. He clicked his fingers and Lindir entered the room carrying a woven basket.

"Galadriel thinks Nimmeth may be the last of the Noldor" Elrond tells Thranduil.

"I thought Lady Galadriel was the last decedent born with the powers of the Noldor" Thranduil says confused.

"As did we, but looking at Nimmeth now allows us to believe she may have the purest Noldor bleed since my mother" Celebrian tells Thranduil. "Now want do you have for my daughter?" she asks changing the subject. Thranduil opened the basket taking out a bundle of fur placing it on the bed.

"I found this little girl all alone after her family was killed and believe she will be a good companion for Nimmeth. Especially now if she is the last of the Noldor" Thranduil explained. The bundle moved to reveal itself as a small white tiger cub.

"We thank you for the gift Thranduil and believe she will be a perfect companion for Nimmeth" Elrond said as the cub cuddled into Nimmeth's side

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"We thank you for the gift Thranduil and believe she will be a perfect companion for Nimmeth" Elrond said as the cub cuddled into Nimmeth's side. "I say we name her Rhawel" he suggests facing his wife. She nods her head in agreement watching her youngest daughter and the now sleeping cub.

"I am afraid I must leave tomorrow, my wife is alone looking after Legolas and Tauriel" Thranduil told the couple.

"We understand, Lindir will show you to your room for the night and insure your elk is ready for travel tomorrow at noon" Celebrian tells him. Thranduil nodded his head agreeing knowing he wouldn't be able to change her mind. He then followed Lindir out of the room after placing a kiss on Nimmeth's head.

At noon the next day Thranduil left after bidding the family farewell. He had held Nimmeth before leaving and believes she maybe a good match for his son in the future. When he told Elrond and Celebrian they said they would not force any of their children into a relationship. Thranduil understood and said goodbye to Rhawel who sat by Celebrian who was holding Nimmeth in her arms.


Picture above of Thranduil receiving letter and of the white tiger cub Rhawel in chapter.

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