Chapter 20

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The group made it into the caverns, the air suddenly changing. There was a complex system of tunnels engrained in the mountain. But in each hole, light was swallowed by darkness, the feeble flicker of a flame lighting shadows.

"They excavate the rocks and live here?" Hak wondered, looking around the tunnel. Kija ignored Haks remarks and marched forward.

"Hold on, it's dangerous! Any careless moves and-" Yun started, trying to reach after Kija.

"I do not care!" Kija squawked. "The princess needs us!"

"Yun is right." Fubuki said, grabbing Kija's hand as he continued to walk on the spot. "I mean, we ended up in a cage in Hakuryuu's village."

"...We have guests?" A voice called.

Everyone directed their attention to the front. An old man, followed by other mysterious figures with their faces covered by masks, pushed passed a decorated curtain.

"Bring Seiryuu here!" Hakuryuu ordered.

"Please." Fubuki added.

"You're being too straightforward." Yun stated.

"Seiryuu?" The old tenant mumbled, looking back at the other villagers, a slight look of concern reflecting off their eyes. "There is nobody with a name like that."

"It's not a name." Kija said, walking closer to the villagers. "It is a person who has the blood of the dragon. He does not need to hide." Pointing back at Yona, "Tell him that this person is waiting."

Taking a glance at Yona, the old tenant disregarded what Kija said. "I do not know what you are talking about. Don't you have the wrong location. This is nothing but a small village where the poor who managed to escape conflicts of the fire tribe and thrive in peace. We are not disturbed very much, so this is a bother."

"But-" Kija started, but Fubuki stopped him from talking.

"I'm sorry." Yona began. "We were travelling to find someone but it seems he was not here. But we are tired from our journey and we have an injured person." Hak revealed his bandaged abdomen.

Fan-service to all the hungry Hak admirers.

"Will it be okay, for us to rest here a bit?" Fubuki finished for Yona.

"That...must have been difficult." The old tenant answered. "As you can see, we are a poor village. So we cannot provide special treatment."

"That is fine." Fubuki smiled. Leading the rest of the group, Fubuki followed the tenant through the tunnels.

"What are the masks for?" Yona asked out of curiosity.

"It s a custom." The old tenant explained. "Those who are unmarried do not show their faces often. Quite strange in your point of view."

"That's interesting." Yona commented.

"Hm, is that so?" Fubuki cooed.

"As a reminder, guests." The tenant started. "This place is like a maze so do not wander too far. It is not our responsibility if something happens."


"This place is certainly...very welcoming." Fubuki coughed, accidentally breathing in some dust. "Is this really the village of Seiryuu?"

"Is that sarcasm?" Yona asked.

"Well, they weren't as thankful as Hakuryuu's and didn't even react to your hair." Yun explained.

Everyone sat down in the dimly lit cave. Yona leant on the rocky walls while Fubuki dug through her bag for a quick snack. More specifically, something sweet like a piece of daifuku.

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