Tagged TWICE?!

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Guess who was two thumbs and was randomly tagged?? and twice?! This happened a while ago and I don't how...

Ok so there's been two tags and I've shoved them together here because I can. I'm gonna get as many people involved so... USE THE COMMENTS TO TAG WHOEVER YOU GUYS WANT! It's a free country, y'all. Force your friends and idols to do your bidding! At least, that's how I think it works??? Truth be told, I don't like randomly tagging people so can you guys do the dirty work for me? Otherwise, I'll just tag everyone who read this XD

So first of all, tagged by VampireDragonLover

1. Do I have a crush? If in 3D, then no. If 2D, then obviously yes. All my babies...they're all mine!!

2. What's my middle name? Don't have one...I think?

3. What's my height? 165 cm - I'M NOT SHORT OKKKKKKK

4. Eye colour? A brown so dark that you can't even see my soul

5. Last time I cried? Excuse me? I don't cry, I sweat from my eyeballs.

6. Biggest fear? I guess trypophobia, but not really... I'm not scared of them; just really grossed out by them.

7. Last song I listened to? Reluctant Heroes by Hiroyuki Sawano. I like anything and everything by Hiroyuki Sawano.

8. Last person I texted? My friend (Ace) texted me a photo of the painting they were doing. It involved me as a model... (totally not narcissistic at all)

9. Favourite app? Instagram - keep up with the latest memes and stalking my friends.

10. Tag 20 people (that's where y'all come in and do it instead for me!)

And secondly, tagged by fairytail259

1. Favourite song? Ichiban no Takaramono by Jun Maeda - I even learnt the song on the piano, guys. If that's not commitment then I don't know what is...

2. Favourite sport? Tennis or badminton. Basketball is close, but I tend to die ten minutes into the game.

3. Favourite band? Kalafina - cuz' why not?

4. Favourite show? If we're talking about shows and not anime, then Adventure Time. I love Adventure Time. I also like the shows that aired on the OLD Nickelodeon and OLD Disney channel. Now THAT was GOOD STUFF.


6. Favourite colour? Currently purple.

7. Favourite food? Apple pie.

8. Favourite drink? Mocha.

9. Favourite video game? Portal 2, Undertale and Crypt of the Necrodancer

10. Tag 15 people (make them do both are just one, I don't mind...)

That's it! Tag the people YOU guys want and I hope you all know me a little bit better than before~!  I'm not sure if this is how it works but thanks for reading anyway XD

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