Chapter 33

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The group gathered around the animal Jae-Ha had caught, staring in awe.

"It's a fawn." Yun observed, his eyes sparkling at the possibility of meat. "Nice catch!"

"It was difficult trying to jump while carrying it." Jae-Ha exclaimed with a smile.

Hak crossed his arms, recalling when Jae-Ha suddenly blasted off out of no where. "He suddenly jumped off into the Eastern Sky, so I thought he had been finally summoned to the heavens."

"As if heaven will accept a perverted snake like him." Fubuki chuckled to herself. "He's totally corrupted. An impurity."

"So cruel, Fubuki dear~" Jae-Ha cried, utterly disheartened. Regaining his usual composure, he disappeared and popped out behind Fubuki. Curling his arm around her waist, Jae-Ha pulled Fubuki towards him and leaned in to whisper. "Shall I corrupt you, too?"

Without a moment of hesitation, Fubuki punched Jae-Ha square in the face. "No."

"Ah~" Jae-Ha smirked creepily, pulling himself up off the ground. With a bloody nose, his eyes were sparked with mischief. "Yona dear, how about you?" He grinned, walking over to the red-haired princess.

"No." Fubuki immediately stopped him by kicking him back down to the ground, her foot grinding into his spine. Meanwhile, Hak stood in front of Yona protectively, glaring daggers at Jae-Ha.

"Jae-Ha's legs are really amazing." Yona praised, still looking at the fawn. "We should be able to track down and find Ouryuu in no time, no matter where they are."

"Oh, now that you mention is, the only one left is Ouryuu, huh?" Jae-Ha commented, dusting off his clothes. "Since I've come this far, getting a look go Ouryuu's face wouldn't be so bad. I'll go find him."

However, Kija interrupted Jae-Ha with great passion. "No, leave that task to me!"

While Kija and Jae-Ha were arguing amongst themselves and Shin-Ah watching as a bystander, Yun looked over to Hak. "Since we're in no hurry, I'll get started with dinner." The pretty boy decided, reaching into his satchel for a small knife. "Thunder Beast, start the fire."

"I'll go find some water." Fubuki offered, taking everyone's bottles to refill.

Leaving the group for a moment, Fubuki disappeared to find some sort of water hole. While pushing passed the dense foliage of the forest, a slither of yellow had caught her eye. Almost immediately, it disappeared, causing Fubuki to simply disregard the flash of colour. Feeling a dull ache in the back of her head, she ignored the quiet buzzing, shoving it's presence to the back of her mind and continued to walk.

Eventually stumbling across a crystal clear lake, she filled up the bottles and took the opportunity to wash her face. Placing the bottles onto the side, she cupped her hands and splashed her face in the lake. Feeling cool water droplets sliding off her skin, she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped her face dry. Shortly afterwards, picking up her friend's bottles, she returned to camp.

"Sorry I took so long-" Fubuki started but then paused, feeling a strange sense of deja-vu in the pit of her stomach.

"It's a precious hobby, to be grateful for the food!" A young man with golden hair cheered.

"That should be a principle." Yun nodded in agreement.

"So who might you be?" Fubuki smiled, once again ignoring her dull symptoms. Putting down the bottles, she picked up a skewer. "You are welcome to join for dinner."

"Zeno is Zeno!" The boy with messy hair grinned, taking her hands and shaking it. "It's nice to meet you!"

Upon letting go, Fubuki was in a bit of a daze. Hearing Zeno greet Yun in the background, she zoned out. Feeling the dull pain in the back of her head develop into a throbbing headache, Fubuki quickly sat down.

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