I Thought you Were Asleep.

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~A/N~This oneshot book is about a relationship between Robin and Kid Flash meaning it is boyxboy/gay fiction. If these kind of stories bother you, I suggest you leave, but if you support all kinds of love than welcome. Also note that none of these stories are based off of the TV show Young Justice and the only reason this book is rated R is because of "My Heart Beats for You" because of the explict theme. Just an FYI. So with all that said, i hope you enjoy my stories! :)


"Master Grayson, Dick wake-up." Alfred called to Dick Grayson who was a sleep at his desk. Dick had been up the previous night writing his English paper that was due yesterday. What with being Robin the boy wonder by night and Dick Grayson the high school student by day it was getting quite hard to do homework.

Alfred shook his head. If the boy doesn't hurry up he won't make it in time for training and Bruce will not be happy. Alfred reached over and shook Dick again.

"Wake-up, Grayson." This time Dick woke up. He had a bit of drool hanging out of his mouth. He wiped it off and looked up at Alfred.

"Alfred, sorry I guess I fell asleep. What did you need?" Dick said while gathering his papers. Even though he worked through most of the night he only wrote half a page. It was probably crap too.

"Did you forget, sir? You have training today."

"Shit!" He completely forgot. Dick scrambled to put his papers in his backpack. A few papers flew out, but he didn't care, he needed to hurry or Batman would have his head. It was Saturday morning, but he still had training today. He loved being Robin, more then anything in the world, but half his time was was stuck training. Batman wouldn't even let him go out and kick villain ass yet. Dick wanted to get out and fight, but he knew being late wasn't going to help his case. He ran around his room grabbing his Robin costume and started putting it on. He put his boots and mask on then grabbed his staff before he ran out the door.


"Robin, you're late." Batman said sternly as soon as he seen Robin coming out of the elevator in the Batcave.

"I'm here now, sorry." Batman looked pissed, but Robin would have to deal with that later. Standing beside Batman was Flash, Robin's idol besides the Dark Knight of course. Robin grabbed Flash's hand and shook it rapidly.

"Wow, It's you in the flash. Ha, see what I did there, because you're the Flash."


"I'm like your biggest fan."


"I remember seeing you on tv.."


"Sorry." Batman gave Robin a look.

"Now, if you're done. Let me introduce you. This is Flash and you remember Kid Flash." Robin looked around and meet eyes with Kid Flash who was sitting in a chair with his feet propped up. Kid Flash was a tall, skinny fellow. His suit was yellow with the Flash's symbol on the front. He had the reddest hair Robin had ever seen. KF stood up and ran to Robin.

"What's up, birdy?" KF smiled.

"Ha Ha like I haven't heard that before."

"Robin be nice!" Batman yelled. "Now get in fighting stance. You and KF are going to have a little " KF turned around and raised his fists.

"You're not serious right?" Robin spoke to Batman.

"When have you ever know me not to be serious?" Robin was about to speak again, but KF caught him off guard by punching him in the face. Before Robin could process what happen KF started punching him again over and over. Robin grabbed one of his wrist and flung him across the Batcave. Kid Flash stood up and ran back to him. He circled Robin so he would lose oxygen. Robin thought quick and pointed his staff out making Kid Flash trip. KF slid across the floor. Robin then took out his bola and tied KF with it.

"See! Never will beat me, KF! I'm just that good." Robin taunted. Just then an alarm went off. The bat computer changed to a news channel with a report of a break in at the bank and the Joker being responsible for it. Batman jumped in the bat-mobile. Robin was about to jump in to before Batman stopped him.

"No, Robin, you are still unexperienced in fighting super-villains. Stay with KF. Flash and I have this." Before Robin could protest Batman drove off with the Flash running after. Dick was left again because it's to 'dangerous'. Pissed off, Robin, started walking to the exit before Kid Flash coughed.

"You're not going to leave me like this are you?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." And with that Robin walked away.


(Kid Flash)

That damn Robin! He was always doing this to KF. Robin thinks KF is the competitive one, but in reality it's Robin. It seemed that KF wasn't much of competition, but to be honestly he loved getting his ass kicked from Robin. Ever since KF meet Robin at that sidekick camp he has had a crush on him. KF couldn't help himself Robin was just so fascinating. Yeah, KF was gay, but he knew Robin had no feelings for him.

It was an hour and a half before Alfred came down to the Batcave and untied Kid Flash. By this time KF was pretty mad. He ran in the mansion in search of the boy wonder. When he got to Robin's door he was ready to give Robin his rant until he opened the door and saw the cutest thing ever.

Robin sleeping.

Robin was spread out on his bed still in his costume. KF walked in Robin's room and closed the door. He slowly slide in the bed beside Robin. Robin moved and wrapped a hand around KF, but he didn't wake up. KF cheered in his head he had never been this close to Robin before. He turned a little so he was facing the raven haired boy. He felt Robin's breath on his face, just centimeters from his. He then closed the gap and kissed Robin. KF's dreams had finally come true. At first It was just KF's lips moving, but then Robin started kissing him back, still in deep slumber. For a superhero who is always supposed to be vigilant Robin is a deep sleeper or so KF thought. When he opened his eyes two beautiful blue eyes were staring right back.

~~Not sure if this was good or not, but thanks to those who read it~~ BRE

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