Antiseptiplier One Shot - 6

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"Love Bites"

No One's POV.
"Ow! Anti, don't fucking do that!" Dark yelled as Anti bit him on the neck. "No, it shows that I love you~" Anti said, hugging Dark from his hiding spot behind the couch. "What?" Dark asked, looking at Anti. "It shows that I love you Dark~" Anti repeated in a love gushy voice. "Oh god, quit talking like that," Dark said, trying to push Anti away. Once he got Anti to let go of him, Anti climbed up over the couch and sat right beside Dark. "Okay, what the heck is wrong with you?" Dark asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's February Dark. And in February, Nekos prove to their mate that they love them with love bites~" Anti said, finishing with a soft loving tone as he poked the fresh bite on Dark's neck. "So how long does this last for?" Dark asked. "The whole month and Nekos give their mate a love bite each day," Anti said, hugging Dark again. "Just great, I have to deal with 'this' for a whole month," Dark said bitterly, rolling his eyes as the demon Neko looked at him. Anti's ears went down slowly, looking at Dark with a saddened face. "You don't love me?" Anti asked, looking directly at Dark. "Yes I love you, you idiot. I just don't like how you're acting right now." Dark explained, causing the demon Neko's ears to perk up. "Oh, okay. I'll stop." Anti said, letting go of Dark and acting normally, "What the - you could've just stopped? Why-" Dark looked at Anti in surprise, then slight aggravation. "I just acted like that to bug you~" Anti said with a grin as he changed to the love gushy voice again. "You are such a b**ch, you know that?" Dark said rhetorically. "I know, but you love me for it," Anti said, laying down beside Dark. "So, does Jack have to go through this too or no?" Dark asked, beginning to pet Anti's head. "Yep, although he can't exactly control it. "Anti said as he purred from Dark's touch. "I wonder how that'll play out," Dark said sarcastically, chuckling lightly.

*Small Time Skip*

Anti's POV.
"Agh! Jack what the hell?!" Mark screamed from his and Jack's bedroom. Dark and I snickered as quietly as we could, trying not to let them hear us. "I'm sorry Mark, it's an instinct." I heard Jack apologize. "Well, why the fuck is it an instinct?!" Mark continued to yell. "It depends, what month is it?" Jack asked calmly. "February. Why?" Mark asked, seeming to calm down more. "Then, Marking Season. "Jack said. Shuffling was heard before Mark and Jack submerged from their bedroom. Dark and I began to laugh when they realized we were up and most likely heard everything. "So, did you enjoy the probably wonderful wake-up call?" Dark asked sarcastically. "No, I didn't. Did you know about this?" Mark asked Dark with a glare. "Nope, I just found out from Anti a few hours ago. As you can see." Dark said, smirking as he showed Mark the bite I left on his neck. "Anti, you knew February was coming soon and you didn't warn me?!" Jack said, walking towards me. "Yeah, at first I was going to tell you then, I just thought 'meh, maybe this time he'll remind himself. ' Which I now think was the perfect thing to do now!" I said with a smile as Jack only seemed to get frustrated by it. "Why you little shit!" Jack suddenly said and tried to tackle me. Jack and I rolled off the couch, play fighting like kittens. I saw Mark and Dark look at each other with a raised eyebrow before looking back to watch us. After a few minutes, Jack had then somehow gotten us back to fighting on the couch, right beside Dark. Suddenly, Jack had scratched Dark's arm and my possessive instincts took control, causing me push Jack off the couch and roughly hit his head on the coffee table. Once I came back to my senses, Jack looked up at me, in tears as he held his head and Mark rushed over. "Jack, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked in a rushed voice as I crawled off the couch and began examining his head. "It's okay Anti, it just hurts really bad." Jack cried as Mark gently touched it. "Come on Jack, just sit down and relax. The pain will go away in a little bit, okay?" Mark said soothingly as Dark got up and walked over to me. "Hey, he'll be alright. It's just a bump on the head, you okay?" Dark asked, bringing me away from the living room and into the kitchen. "Yeah, I just guess I don't have as much control over my instincts as I thought I did," I said, my ears lowering a bit. "So, is there any more seasons that I need to know about?" Dark asked me with a smile. "Well, a few I guess," I said with a shrug. "And those are?" Dark asked, wanting me to continue. " Okay, so Mating Season is in the summer, usually in June through August. Then, there's Resting Season, usually in November through January. Next, is Marking Season, usually in February. That's it really. Don't think there's anymore," I said, explaining as I for some reason started making brownies. "Okay, so why in the world are you now making brownies?" Dark asked, looking at me as if I was going crazy. "I don't know, it just feels like a craving I'm having right now," I said, not sure myself why I was making the chocolatey desert. "Well, can I have some when it's done?" Dark asked sweetly as he hugged my from behind, kissing my cheek in the process. "Sure daddy~" I whispered, smirking at Dark. "Oh, you're playing a dangerous game here mister. Are you sure you want this?" Dark asked in a whisper, nipping my ear gently. "Yes, I'm sure. Now if you want some of these brownies, then I'm gonna have to finish making them. Okay?" I asked as I finished stirring the mix. "Alright baby, I love you," Dark said, kissing my cheek before he walked out of the kitchen. Continuing to make the brownies, I opened a cabinet to grab a brownie dish only for my hand to come into contact with a big black spider. "What the? Really, you again? I thought you were dead, oh well Dark will probably be happy." I said, letting to black widow spider crawl onto my palm. I quickly grabbed the brownie dish and set it on the counter before I called for Dark, "Dark, I found something you might want to see." Dark came into the kitchen a few minutes later. "Look who I found in the cabinet," I said, letting the spider jump on Dark's shoulder. "Heh, hey there little buddy. Haven't seen ya in a while." Dark said, starting to pet the spider lightly. As Dark paid attention to the spider, I greased and powdered the dish before pouring the brownie mix into it. "There we go, now let's just pop this in the oven," I said, narrating what I was doing. "Hey Anti, do you still have your pet snake somewhere?" Dark asked, getting my attention. "Yeah, he's slithering around this place. At least I trained him not to attack Jack and Mark, that way I don't have to keep giving them Anti-venom all the time." I said, looking around in the top cabinets for some icing. "Yeah, I did that too for this little guy," Dark said, talking to the spider. "Heh, remember when Mark was first introduced to him?" I said, smiling at the funny memory. "Yeah, nowadays he keeps his door shut." Dark chuckled, letting the spider crawl off him and onto the top of the fridge. Dark then opened the fridge and rummaged through its door, looking for something. "Here's the icing dear." Dark said, closing the fridge with the container of icing in his hand. "Thank you Darkimoo." I said, kissing his cheek as I took the icing from his hand. "That's all I get for finding the icing?" Dark asked, crossing his arms. Rolling my eyes playfully, I leaned a little bit more up to kiss Dark on the lips. "There, happy now?" I asked, not really caring about the answer. "I guess. Well, I'm going to go check on Septiplier in there." Dark said, pointing to the doorway that exits the kitchen and leads back to the living room. Nodding in response, I put the container of icing in the microwave and heated it for twenty seconds. Once it dinged, I grabbed the container and opened it to begin stirring it.

* Mini Time Skip *

Jack's POV.

"Mark I'm fine, jeez. You're smothering me!" I said, trying to squirm from his grip. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and refused to let me go. "No, I want to hug my Jackaboy for a little bit more," Mark whined, hugging me tighter. I saw Dark then come into the room from the kitchen. "Dark, help meh! Mark won't let me go." I said, practically asking Dark to make Mark let me go. "Nah, he's your boyfriend. Just bribe him." Dark said, shrugging as he walked past the living room and down the hallway. "Mark..."I started, looking into Mark's eyes. "Jack, don't dare even think about it," Mark warned, silence soon coming as I thought of what I should bribe him with. "Mark, if you don't let me go. There will be no sex for a month if you don't let me go in ten, nine, eight, seven..." I started to count down and kept looking into Mark's eyes with a serious face. (five, four, three...)  "Alright, alright. Fine, there ya happy now?" Mark said grumpily, letting go of me at two. "Thank you, Markimoo. And yes, I'm happy. Although, if you continue to be grumpy you won't get a treat tonight." I warned, getting up and stretching. Mark's eyes widened slightly then his lips contorted into a smirk. He then stood up and hugged me, kissing my head before whispering, "Fine, I'll stop being grumpy for you." Once again, he let go of me and walked back over to the couch to play a video game. My stomach growled softly and I decided to make my way to the kitchen. There I saw Anti, looking through the oven's door. "Hey Anti, what are you cooking?" I asked, thinking of food as he looked up at me. "Oh, hey Jack. Listen, I'm sorry about hurting you. I guess you're not the only one who can't control their instincts." Anti said, apologizing to me. "It's okay Anti, it wasn't your fault. Now, what are you cooking." I asked again, hoping whatever it is it's good. "Oh, I'm just making some brownies. Which should be done soon, I hope." Anti said, looking back at the oven. "Well, I'm just gonna eat an Ice cream sandwich for now," I said, walking over to the freezer. Before my hand could even touch the handle, I saw a big black widow spider crawl down on it. "AHH!" I screamed, stumbling back in fear as I moved farther and farther away from the fridge. Anti started laughing as he picked the spider off of the freezer handle. "Dark, your spider scared Jack!" Anti called out, grabbing the counter to hold himself up as he laughed. "Hey, it's not funny. You're a demon, if you were human you'd be scared of being bitten by a poisonous spider that could possibly kill you. In fact, you don't even know what it's like to be human! Let alone know why they get scared of things!" I yelled, getting angry at Anti for laughing at me. "Relax, green head. I'm just messing around, besides Dark's the one who put him up there." Anti said, dying his laughter down to a small chuckle. *Ding!* "Ooh, brownies are done," Anti said, putting on oven mitts and pulling the dish out of the oven. As he set them down on the stove top, I walked over with a knife to cut them. "Hey, Jack. Before we cut these, I want to ask you something." Anti said seriously. "Sure, what is it?" I asked, looking slightly worried. "Would it be okay if Dark and I moved out?" Anti asked, looking at me with concern. "You and Dark want to move out? Why?" I asked, setting the knife down on the counter beside the stove. "Well, Dark and I have been thinking about it for a while. Plus, some of you and Mark's friend's counterparts have asked us too." Anti explained. I smiled and hugged Anti saying in his ear, "Whatever you guys choose, I'll support. Besides, I'm getting a little tired of the poisonous pets wondering around the house." Anti hugged back replied with a simple, "Thank you, Jack."

No One's POV.
Jack and Anti released from the hug and began to spread the icing on the brownies before cutting them into equal pieces. Once done, they called Mark and Dark to come get their share. Each one of them got four brownies and as they ate them, they talked about small stuff and ignored the big topics. Then, when they all went their seperate ways, each of them got their last sweet.

~ The End ~

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