Antiseptiplier One Shot - 20

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No One's POV.
Opening the front door, Jack paused before stepping inside the house. He then closed the door slowly and darted his eyes all over the room. "Anti..what the FUCK did you do?!" Jack yelled as he set his keys on the desk and looked at the demon who sat in the middle of the mess.

Scattered all over, finely ground green material and white furniture stuffing was accompanied by strands of string to litter the floor. And in the middle of the dining room, Anti sat, rolling around in the mess as he bit viciously into a small red yarn doll.

"ANTI! The fuck did you do to the walls?!" Jack screamed the demon's name once he saw the gaping holes in the drywall and the scratch marks on the ceiling. Blood was smeared with visible handprints as well, leaving Jack infuriated.

Jack glared at the demon and approached Anti with obvious anger. "You're cleaning this up! And I'm taking this!" Ripping the doll out of Anti's hands and mouth, Jack saw immense hatred flash into Anti's eyes before the demon tried to snatch the doll back. "NO! You wrecked the fuckin' house! So, until I see this place back to the way it was when I left, you're not getting this back!" He then received a deep growl and saw Anti's brown cat ears bend back. Jack's bent back too and their tails flicked side to side while they glared at each other. Moving his feet, Anti jumped at Jack, claws ready to tear into the Irish man's chest. Stumbling back, Jack grabbed a spray bottle off the table and pulled the plastic trigger.

Squirts of holy water sprayed directly onto Anti's face and halted his actions quickly. He hissed and covered his eyes, groaning at the burn. Meanwhile, Jack regained his posture and sprayed the demon again. Reeling a few feet back, Anti's ear went down and he retreated under the torn up couch for coverage. "That's what I thought," Jack stated before setting the bottle down and turning the corner into the kitchen.

Stopping again, Jack stood staring up in shock. Mark had been cocooned in multi-colored yarn and was hanging from the ceiling with terror in his eyes. "Mmphm!" Mark tried to speak, but there was duck tape wrapped around his head to silence him. "Oh god, Mark! Are you alright?! I-I'll get you down!" Jack said and hurriedly grabbed a knife from one of the drawers to cut him free.

With a muffled groan, Mark rolled over on the floor and winced at the pain. "Hold on, let me get the scissors!" Jack said and dug through one of the other drawers, returning with a small pair of school scissors. Jack then cut the tape carefully and peeled it off of Mark's mouth quickly. "OW!" Mark moved his lips from the irritation before looking at Jack. "Are you ok?! I didn't know this happened, I-he usually doesn't get this riled up unless someone gives him mint," Jack said while he cut Mark free from his surprisingly thick yarn cocoon. "" Mark asked. "Yes, mint," Jack looked at Mark with slight confusion. "Why would mint make a Neko go crazy?"

"It's like catnip, but for Anti, he loves it. He acts like he's addicted to it," Jack explained and helped Mark up off of the floor. Thanking him in a whisper, Mark looked around the messy kitchen and then at Jack. "Do you want me to help clean up?" Mark offered and met eyes with Jack for a sweet moment. "Uh-um-no. It's-it's fine. Anti will be cleaning it. Besides, I don't want Amy to be worried about you," Jack adverted his eyes to the empty pizza boxes and dozens of plastic cups that where piled up at the sides of the trash can.

Mark paused for a moment, then spoke softly, "Actually, things didn't work out..between her and me," Jack grew an unsteady hope inside him for a minute, but he discontinued its build up. He didn't want to do that just yet. "I'm sorry to hear that," Jack lied with fake concern, "but, I hope you find someone who'll get it," Jack ended it on a half truthful note and gave Mark a soft smile. But, on the inside, Jack still felt a rotting pain dig a little bit deeper in him. He made himself worse with that last comment. "Thanks. Well..I should probably go now. For all I know, Dark's probably racking up my credit card on porn and wine," Mark said, making Jack and him laugh as they exited the kitchen.

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