Antiseptiplier One Shot - 13

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No One's POV.

(Link to the video) -

'Mustache, mustache, mustache!' - came from Jack's laptop speakers, replaying repeatedly as he danced a little in his seat. "God, do you have to play a fuckin ten-hour loop of that!" Dark said and covered his ears. all Jack did was stick his tongue out at Dark, continuing to let the song play. "You better keep that tongue hidden or I'll cut it off," Dark said in a growl at Jack.

'Mustache, mustache, mustache,' - was still playing and every time Jack looked back at the video, he smiled. Dark's anger had risen with each time the song started over and without any clear warning, he stomped over towards Jack. He ripped the laptop out of Jack's hands and closed it. "Hey! Give it back!" Jack said, now shooting up and reaching for the computer. "Nope, I'm done hearing that stupid song!" Dark said harshly and set the laptop on top of a tall bookcase.

"It was Anti's idea anyways," Jack mumbled and crossed his arms. "What?" Dark asked with slight surprise. "Anti said to play it because if I did, he would leave me alone for the day," Jack admitted and sat back down. With a glare, that Dark knew Anti could see, he gripped onto Jack's shirt collar and stared deeply into Jack's eyes.

This made Jack uncomfortable and a little bit freaked out, but that feeling instantly went away when Anti took control. "Hey Darkipoo, how's it been?" Anti asked, Jack's eyes now black and oozing. "So, your idea?" Dark asked the Irish demon. "What, a demon can't annoy his boyfriend once in a while?" Anti asked rhetorically, smirking in the process. "Not for five fucking hours," Dark said and was practically about to choke Anti.

(Link to next song) -

"Oh, come on Dark. I just wanted to see your face and let me tell you, 'P really is for Priceless'," Anti spoke with a grin. Making Dark's anger somehow rise further. "Will you quit! What the hell is wrong with you today?!" Dark snarled and slammed Anti into the nearby wall. "Aw, Darky wants to play?" Anti asked in a cutesy voice, smiling at Dark's irritated expression.

(Link to next song) -

'I swear Anti, if you fuckin keep this up I'll murder you,' Dark threatened to himself in his head. "Aw, please don't murder me, Darky. I just wanna play with you. Besides, at least I'm not as annoying as 'Ghost Nappa'," Anti said, snapping his fingers and a song began to play on the smart TV.

'Ghost Nappa! Geta, Geta, Geta, WOOH!' - Nappa's voice rang from the TV's speakers. This made Dark grip Anti tighter and growl lowly in his face, not seeming to like the song as much as Anti. "Enough, stop fucking playing all these stupid songs!" Dark yelled at Anti and the TV automatically shut back off. Anti's eyes then faded of emotions and before Dark could even speak again, Jack's blue eyes returned.

"Damn it Anti," Dark grumbled and scanned Jack's eyes looking for any sign of Anti's presence. 'Bingo' Dark thought and continued to look at Jack. As Dark did so, Anti remained quiet until he heard Dark's voice speak, "Anti, tell me what the fuck has gotten into you," Jack's eyes then turned back to black and Anti spoke back calmly, all cheer gone.

"I binge watched DBZ Abridged and I guess the inner fanboy in me took over. Plus, I like bugging you~" Anti said, smiling at the end and leaned closer to Dark. "Really? You have an inner 'fanboy'?" Dark asked with a classic raised eyebrow. "Sure, just depends on what I like. Such as FNAF," Anti said and was now inches away from Dark.

Rolling his eyes in playful annoyance, Dark caught on to his actions and connected their lips anyways. They both smirked as the two human voices yelled for them to stop and let them back in control. Which, didn't happen and wouldn't happen for at least a few days.

~ The End ~

(Sorry if this was short, but I didn't feel like writing another long One Shot like most of the others. Plus, I'm going on an Inspirational Hiatus for a while so, don't expect an update anytime soon. Bye.)

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