dx crew

957 16 1

randle from monsters inc: guys
Pepsicola: yes?
y/n: what?
randle from monsters inc: what time is work tmrw?
pepsicola: same time bud
y/n: ^ you are really dumb fo real
randle from monsters inc: i just making sure geez
pepsicola: y/n no need to be rude
randle from monsters inc: she's in her period
y/n: i am not!! you're dead randle as dead as the night
randle from monsters inc: id like to see you try
randle from monsters inc: brb i hear someone at the door
pepsicola: ok
*10 mins later*
pepsicola: stevie where are you?
y/n: i don't fool around hahaha

a/n this sucked bootyhole sorry but you can give me ideas of what you wanna me to write about :)

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