Steve Imagine

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For psymike

Your Pov
  My name is Madison and i was the second oldest in my family. I live with my older brother Darry and my younger brothers sodapop and ponyboy. I was home alone and I was struggling with my math homework. it was a Saturday night and I was grounded for not doing my homework for the past week. All of a sudden I heard someone come into my room, It was my brother's best friend Steve random. He said to me "it looks like you're having a little trouble with your math homework do you need some help " I said "oh my God thank you so much that would be amazing." We worked on my math homework we worked on my math homework for about 30 minutes until I kind of understood what was going on. I never realize how handsome Steve actually was until we were sitting there doing my homework. I looked up for a second and noticed he was staring at me. "is there something on me? do I look funny ?" I asked he said "no it's just you're really really beautiful" he leaned in and we kissed one of those movie kisses that you would see in like something the 10 things that I hate about you. it was really nice

a/n: hope you like it :)))

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