Dally Imagine

510 9 8

"Y/N, wake up," a voice said to me.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it was my cousin Ponyboy Curtis.
"What do you want? It's 10:00 in the morning" I groaned
"Yeah and 10:00 means it's time to get up and it also means that the gang will be over soon" he said with a grin. I looked up at him and threw my pillow at him.
"Leave Pony"
We argued for another 5 minutes before i gave in.
"Get out so i can get changed"
I looked out my window and saw it was a sunny summer day. I grabbed this outfit:

It was going to be the first time i'm meeting my cousin's friends so i was sorta nervous

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It was going to be the first time i'm meeting my cousin's friends so i was sorta nervous. I was staying with the Curtis' because i was looking for a fresh start away from my parents.
I heard a chorus of deep voices and the front door slamming loudly. I was hungry so i snuck into the kitchen so no one would see me, or so i thought.
"who are you?"  a new york accent said.
I turned around and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes ever (going by the movie description lmao)
"y/n"  i stuck my hand out for him to shake it. He took it and i felt a spark. 
"What is a doll like you hanging around here at the curtis' house?"
"Well they're my cousins and i'm living with them.... i never got your name"
"Dallas winston, but you can call me your date on friday night"
"See you then Dallas"

Dallas is so smooth omg but this sucked but if you want an imagine just dm me ok 👌🏻

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