Ponyboy imagine

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imagine for To-kill_an-outsider

Tania's POV
It was the first day of school and i just moved to Tusla. I was a greaser. I was walking to my first class, english, when someone bumped into me. "Sorry. I know i'm clumsy. Sorry." they said. I looked up and saw a really cute boy. He went to turn away and i grabbed his arm. "No it's my fault!" "Where ya heading?" he asked. "English, how bout you?" He smiled. "Me too!" We started heading to english "What's your name?" "Tania. What's yours?" "Ponyboy Curtis." " You have a pretty cool name, i never heard it before, i like it" "i like your name too." When we got to english we sat next to each other. After class we realized we had all of the same classes and before i knew it it was lunch time. Usually i have no one to sit with but since i met pony i had someone to talk to. We talked about everything. Pretty soon it was time to go home. "Tania want me to walk you home?" "I would love that pony." When we got to my door, pony asked "I know we just met today but i really like you already and was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me Friday night?" "I would absolutely love to." I smiled. Pony got all happy and it was so cute. "See ya tomorrow at school Tania." "Bye pony!" I went into my house and closed to door and leaned in it and smiled real big.

a/n i hope you like it!! this was my first ever  imagine so i hope it's good!!

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