She Deserves

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*Selien's pov*

I wanna just hold her. Carry her back to the car. Why did I walk her out so far? She's shaking despite the jacket I gave her. Though we have been out here for awhile. She is just a human. And she's a weak one at that. A smart one, but a weak one. Despite the fact that she headbutted a tree. She doesn't like me though so there is nothing I can do. "So what happens now?" Her voice is like a song. Quiet and sweet. She is wonderful. Why do they hurt her? Why do they hurt their own kind? It's cowardly. "Let's just take the day. There is nothing to be done that isn't being done." 

She needs this. She needs to not worry. Just for a moment. "Let's go bowling I can call the guys and C." Walter ran ahead of us with my crazy bother following him. We are not far now. I stopped and Lula stopped to. We turned to each other. She looks so scared behind her eyes. I'm going to keep you safe. "We'll talk tonight though. Let's just relax for a second and then we can take this on." She nodded and headed after the two. I don't know how to comfort her but I'm going to continue to try. She deserves so much more than this.

I don't care if it's with me but she deserves to be able to trust someone. To have someone to laugh with. A shoulder to cry on. Not to wake up to fake spiders. I don't care if it's me cause she deserves someone better. Until then I will keep this beauty safe. I'll give her the life she should have.

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