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I noticed the group that went in and out. But like everyone else I couldn't do anything about it. By the time I could they were gone. Though I noticed one strange detail. They were dressed in all black and no part of their body being shown. Their face covered my masks and face paint. The next second someone else made the mistake of attacking me. There is a reason I'm my own group. Where are the bodys going? And where are people coming from? Suddenly they stood up straight closing their eyes. Um exuse me, I'm done with this asshole! I punched the guy in front of me. He fell backword but before he hit the ground, he shifted and ran off. I noticed everyone on the opposing side was... retreating. "Chase after them! Make sure they leave our territory! Capture any who don't!" Everyone imediatly complied exept for Sleien and the curent Alphas. The four of us quickly gathered. "A group entered the pack house during the fight. We need to make sure nothing happened. Me and Selien will go check it out." The nodded their heads in agreement before running to join the rest of the fighting part of our pack.

*Selien pov*
Okay is this the fucking poltergeist. That was not normal. Not in any sence. This maybe the supernatural world, but there is a normal and not normal. I followed Meghans zooming body into the pack house. Zampires get a lot of bad rep. I mean Twilight. Never actualy watched it but if it's reputation has anything to say than it can go die in a hole. Zampires don't have to drink blood very often. And no sane zampire drinks human blood. They go hunting. For animals. It's quiet a show. If you ever reciece the opportunity to go hunting with a zampire... take it. Meghan was only a few feet in front of me as we ran following the sent trail. She has superspeed yes... but only at certain times. I was more or less suprised when she used it to just get Cassie the books. I asked her once but she just shrugged. 'It works when it works.'  I noticed the direction we were heading in. The path was a little swivered but obvious. "The hidden safe room!" I yelled me and Meghan started running full speed. We ran eve fast as we saw the state of the door. Our mates were in there. We broke threw the enterance to an empty safe room. We quickly found the escape tunnel had been used but the door was still locked. I sighed. They should be fine. I then noticed the fading marks on the ground. "Meghan... Cassie used majic." I pointed at the marks. She always leaves behind a certain purple, pink, and blue on the ground. And that was what was on the ground in a cirlcle surounded by black streaks. Dark majic.

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