Waking up

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*Lula pov*
Me and Selien had a very calm day. We just hung out and learned more about eachother. Like how she hates fish and her favorite season is winter stuff like that. And she tried to explain more to me about her world. Aparently there was this huge war that had happened were they lost a lot of there base history. It's also were all the orgin storys of humans tales of mythical creatures. It was a war that lasted for centuries. The means of it's begining lost during the ages of war and untold to the generation that ended it. It is believed that thousands of species went extinct. Though what was recorded at the end of the war was a little on the gore side. It was hard to kill a supernatural of any kind. There we several methods that were used such as exploding from the inside out. Though there were that killing was to long and demanding that they disolved thier bones or physical remove them. Decapitate them and burn the body. Through the head in the sea or lake. Though the war ended and peace was won over all mythical creatures. And the magic that was used was outlawed. It was eventually called the forbided magic. Though it was outlawed several generations after the war some creatures tryed to replicate it. It is said that they were unable to replicate them at the same level as before but were able to achieve a spell for ever mythical creature. It was named the dark forbiden book. And witches that uses the spells dark witches. Though misteriously disapeared. Cassie suddenly entered with Meghan. "Until now of course." Cassie stated. Meghan seemed very worried. I noticed that Cassie look like shit. "Babe you need to rest." Said Meghan tenatevly. Meghan also looked a bit shitty. Cassie moved to sit on the bed with us. "I will we just need to figure out what is going on. Or at least a thoery." Direct, strait to the point. She must be really good in tough situations. "Okay so what I know so far is this. Lula has a fairy spell of protection within her. Or at least for what I can gather that is what it is. For some reason she had an real fairy amulet. That got stolen by a ciniamatography 101 teacher that didn't know anything. Though is probably a dark witch. That then cursed Lula with some sort of dark or forbiden spell. Then there is someone in the pack that kept the curse going. She took part in the circle that created it. That's why it ended when she died. On top of that there is this person called master that seems to be the cordinator of this project and could have put more traitors in this pack. Did I miss anything?" I tenativly rose my hand. "You don't have to raise your hand Lula." Selien said. Everyone seemed amused by me and I was a bit embarresed. "What's a fairy necklace?"

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