Cave Travels

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The banging continued. Making everyone start to hide. Another door was opened and people started flowing threw it. Cassie held me behind her as we slowly followed. The hinges started to creak. Before we made it the huge think heave metal door fell. Cassie snaped her fingures and I was suddenly thrown back as the the secound door closed and locked. She has to be fucking crazy.

*Cassie pov*
I had promised to protect Lula so I closed her into the tunnels. If anybody was here they would find us imediatly. But right now I have to fight for my life. Suddenly several figures moved at an incredible speed. Before they striked and killed me I created a shield. These are not rouges I realized. These are train warriors with a clear mind. Once they realized I was immume to thier attacks while I had my shield up they stopped and stood on the border of it. The stared at me staying equal distance apart. Masks and face paint finishing of the creepy asthetic. I felt goosebumbs rise and my hair stand on end. What are they doing? Then they decided to speek in unison. "The quicker you give up, were witch, the less they will suffer." And then they ran as fast as before and exited thru the same enterance. "Nothing creepy about that." I said to myself releasing the shield. How did they what who I am? I may be the peacekeeper but it's not like I'm famous. I shook my head, I should probably find Lula. Unless I want to pissoff my futer Alpha and friend.

*Lula pov*
The tunnels were dark and seemed to have little air. I decided to follow the group of, well everyone. I was a little worried about Cassie. I kept reminding myself she is a were wizard and knows what she is getting into. "So were does this lead?" I asked the person next to me. He lifted his head suprised at me braking the silence. "Um, to the edge of the territory bording our own and human's. If no one from our pack comes to get us in a certain amout of time we become a group of tourist before the battle ends." Huh, I turned away to process everything. The worry came back full force. I wasn't afraid that I might be loosing my mind, or that my mothers necklace is some kind of Fairy charm, or that I've just abandoned colledge and all the scholarships I've worked my entire life to get, or anything that I should worry bout. All I could think of was Selien could get hurt. Or worse, get killed. I felt like I was going to throw up. How many days has it even been since we met? Three? Four? Dam it feels like longer. Cassie's right. Ot can only get worse. I saw light up ahead that was different than the flashlights that people just happened to have. Seriously, it was like they hid them up their asses. Also everyone just happened to have backpacks. Were are people finding these thing. The light was actually a small opening in the ceiling  with a ladder aleading up to it. It was like 30 feet in the air. Of hell no. Not happening. I am not a person of hieths. I'll just wait down here till the battle thingy ends and than walk back. Some skinny short guy started scaling the ladder. As he got closer to the hole I noticed something. The hole wasn't that big. He reached it and it looked like it was half the size of his head. He turned back starting to scale down. "It's sealed!" The crowd of people filled with wispers. "How do we get out?" Was the most common question. We can't go back because that is were the fighting is. If we try to force our way threw the cieling might colapse on us. I think I prefered the thought of climbing the ladder to this. At least then I wouldn't have to suffer the feeling of being trapped.

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