Sleeping Beauty

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I quickly opened the door as Casey and Thea rushed in. Casey rushed to Lula's side and began to examine her. I did nothing and let her do so. Guarding the door with Thea. A few minutes latter and Casey was still examining her. Someone knocked on the door and Thea let them in. It's Jack and Walter. "Anything." Jack asked and I shrugged. Casey suddenly growled in frustration. We all turned to him. He doesn't growl a lot. "Sorry Selien but there is a really powerful spell on her. It doesn't make much sense. It's a bit like sleeping beauty. I think. Her state not her cure. She is just asleep and cannot be awakened on normal terms. The thing is that it's not really a spell. It's more like a hundred spells as a single spell. Think of it as jenga with toothpicks. But if the tower falls..." That witch really did a number on her. Who knows how long she's been planning this. She probably started cursing her the moment she got here. "If I had help I could despell she more safely. Though right now I need to check something. Everyone clear the room." No one hesitates. We just listen to him.

*Casey pov*
This can't be right. So many spells woven together in such a way. And such an odd eerie essence. Everyone was disturbing my abilities. Once they left I have a clearer sense. This is not a spell. I don't know how but it isn't a spell. But how? There most be something else. Something I'm missing. I pushed it away to see if there was something else it the room. There it is, so faint but the same. I close my eyes and rely on my instinct, everything that I feel. I walked across the room and opened her wardrobe. There was a faint trace of something that had been there. It is intertwined with what was going on with Lula. "The amulet." I kept my eyes closed there was more. I moved again and grabbed her backpack.

I open my eyes. Inside there are papers riddled with worded spells. Ancient language. I walk back to Lula. I'm still missing something. The spell was surrounding and clinging to another. How? I hover my hand over her body tracing the movements. I recognize the form. It is so rare to even see this form of magic. Fairy magic. But still how? It is so confusing. Her energy gave off that she is human. She has no genetical connection to a fairy. I thought I was going crazy earlier so I had checked. Though how did her mother get a hold of a fairy amulet. One that has enough magic to linger. I growl again in frustration. I internally glare at my beast. Now is not the time for that. I continued analyzing the underlining spell. The underlining spell is older. Maybe as old as Lula. It was done by another person for sure. More delicate and precise. It seems to be holding something back. I set down the papers and set one hand on her forehead and the other on her stomach. 

I feel the magic meet with mine incredible. Fairy magic is truly beautiful. Then it suddenly lashed out push me roughly away. I was forced out of my magical daze and pushed to the floor. I screamed in surprise. Everyone came rushing in. "What happen are you okay?" Thea came in helping me into a sitting position. I looked at them in a daze. Excited, that power felt so good. "I'm not sure what happened exactly. Wow that was... I don't even know." I said rambling. I had no clue how to explain it. I was the only one able to see what I just saw. "Fairy magic. There is a second spell in her. It's protecting her, in a way, from the first. The one that's causing her state. Oh I uh found these." I stood up grabbing the papers. "They are a hidden spell in her backpack. I'll need to study it a bit more before I can tell you more. But I need better conditions and all of my gear. All my herbs. We need to go back to the pack lands." I was out the door before I even finished talking. I can fix this.

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