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*Selien pov*
I pulled out the glass in my hand. Watching everything happen. A vase had broken when I crashed in the wall and pieces of it had pierced threw my right hand. I pulled out the last piece as I watch the two legged beast withered into nothing. I saw the book that everyone had been fussing over close by still open at the same page. I had to do something. I  had been reading over the spell seeing if there was a way I could help. I don't know most of it but Ros was helping me. Where did she go anyway. I noticed Rosally in a dark corner of the room. What is she doing? I think she's casting. I decided to sneak over to her. As I got closer I realized she was casting a spell. Why is she casting a spell the book said that any spell that the tether casts could put the one in the spirit form at risk. Book in hand I snuck up behind her.

"What are you doing you could kill Casey." I said. At first she said nothing than slowly turned around. Her eyes were pitch black covering even the whites of her eyes. I saw the dagger in her hands. I grabbed her wrist and lifted her in the air and head butted her braking her nose. Her other hand began to produce something that looked just like the stuff surrounding Lula. I threw her at a wall as hard as I could. She  began struggling to get up. "You're responsible for this aren't you?" I said to her while slowly walking over. are torturing this poor girl and putting my Peacekeeper, she mentor at risk.

"I'm going to give you on chance to fix this. I don't want to hurt you. Let me help you. We can figure this out." I say keeping my distance from her but also boxing her in. Who would have thought that sweet little Rosally would be a traitor. There has to be more to this. "Master told me to. I can't defy him." Rosally said. I have never heard her call anyone 'Master'. Then again she's never had fully black eyes before. "Oh you are working with him. I didn't know. What do we need to do?" I hate stooping down to this level but I really don't have many choices. She brightened up at that. Even smiled. "Oh good all you need to do is protect me. If I get hurt or go unconscious we'll have to wait to get Casey and the fairy girl in the raid." I frowned. Really don't want to hurt her. Raised the book above my head. "Sorry."

*Casey pov*
All of a sudden the mist and the creatures of the mist dissolved and I l felt my self being pulled back into my body. What in the world? I opened my eyes to see Thea doing the same except she is on the floor about to feet away from me. I tried getting up to assist her but then realized I could barley blink. It feels like the first time but worse. Something wnet really wrong. I saw Thea get up before I couldn't stop the exhaustion from taking over.

*Selien pov*
I watched the mist dissolve.  "Okay why can you kill her but I can't." I heard Thea exclaim from behind me. I turned to her. I really need to talk to her about why we don't kill people again. "She's not dead. I think she was possesed. She told me that Master told her to do it. I don't think she is the mastermind of all this." Thea's eyes went red. Then she blipped over to Casey checking him over. I liked calling her super speed usage blipping. Though when a vampires eyes go red you just stand still and look non-threatening. Especially  if it relates to there mate. God forbid if your the reason for it. So I just stood there unmoving. After a few minutes Thea just picked Casey up and blipped out of the room. I noticed her eyes are now glowing. 

I hope Casey wakes up soon to calm her. Or she might enter a blood frenzy. Then we all might die. I brushed the thought aside and walked over to Lula. I removed the restraints we used to protect her. I brushed her beautiful blue hair to the side. I'm scared of trying to wake her up. Brushing the thought aside I gently shook her. She groaned and she sifted her body. I felt the relief fill my body. Whatever had happened was over... for now. I need to put her in a bed and I need to talk to the Alpha's. We need to be ready for the raid.

*Unknown pov*
"Master were have news on the current situation." Said the guard who had entered my cambers. "I am aware. I am not an idiot such as you." The guard sifted uncomfortably. At least he knows his place. He should be fearful for his life. He has entered my chambers without permission. "What do you want us to do." I stood up but still remained in the shadows. I saw the sweat dripping underneath his armor. He will be punished latter. "The abomination, the were witch? If you can capture. If you can't I want it dead. I want to done during the raid."

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