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"I am not coming out." I say stuck inside my changing room. How did this even happen in the first place? "Than I have to come in. Come on I have to help you." I am regretting this decision very harshly. It had to get stuck didn't it. A fucking dress. I Lula Micarthy had agreed to try on a dress and had broken the zipper. Fuck. My. Life. I sighed and opened the door. Selien slipped in and closed the door. "Wow you look good." Selien said looking me up and down. "You're supposed to just fix the zipper." How the fuck am I supposed to take all these fucking compliments? So far my reaction keeps changing. Blushing, stuttering, and ignoring is so far how it varies. Though right now I was stuck in a deep blush and a dress. Selien finally moved and tried fixing the zipper. After about 30 seconds she finally fixed it. "Thanks." I said shoving her out.

I lock the door again and throw off the dress. I hate dresses. Whoever invented dresses is a sadist. I pull on my actual clothes and Selien's jacket. It's so big but it's warm. I gather the dresses, and exited the dressing room. "I'm done can we go now." I snapped at her while stuffing the dresses in the basket. Normally I would put it back myself but we have been here for hours so I really don't care anymore. Selien nodded quickly picking up the several bags of clothes that we got. Let me say that again, the clothes that Selien had bought me. She would not let me pay for absolutely anything. I don't get why. My money is as good as her's and it's my problem not hers. I want to pay for my own stuff. I mean I am capable, I worked for my money. In the end Selien had been more stubborn than me. I am going to pay her back though. I keeping in my head how much she spent on me so one day I'll pay it all back to her. 

I followed Selien out of the dress store and back to the center of the mall. I warned her I hated dresses. Though some how she convinced me to at least try one on. All I wanted to do right now was go back to our dorm room. I'm just so tired now. Going into the store I had so much energy but after that dress I'm exhausted. Selien seemed to pick that I'm tired began to lead us to the car. "Sorry I shouldn't have forced you. I try not to do that again." Selien said as we entered the car. I turned to her. She looked really sad. I looked down getting into the car as she put my new clothes in the trunck. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I wasn't really mad at you." Selien smiled as she entered the car and took of. I yawned suddenly and felt my eyes getting a bit heavy. Man today has been a long day. I get introduced to the supernatural world, headbutt a tree, we go bowling, I learn a shit load of stuff I thought was bullshit before today, then shopping. What weird day. I the gentle hum off the car seemed to make my entire body feel heavy. I simply close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*Selien pov*
 So at peace and innocent. I don't want to wake her, but she needs to eat something. She didn't eat that much when we went bowling and she didn't eat anything this morning. After we had got back home I had carried her in. I then went to the laundry room to clean her new stuff. I had someone at the door to watch her. She's under my protection now so I'm not risking anything. I left her clothes out though. Putting it away would be a little weird it think. I then ordered Chinese takeout. I feels weird to eat alone. I'll wake her up. Let her eat dinner then go back to sleep. I started to shake her awake.  No response. "Lula hey time to wake up." Still no response. Maybe I should leave her alone. "I got food." I said shaking her a bit harder. No response at all. Not ever a simple groan. She didn't seem like a heavy sleeper last night. She almost woke up every time I moved. "Lula please wake up you're starting to worry me." I said shaking her even harder. Nothing. This isn't right. "Lula!" I yelled shaking her as hard as I could. Absolutely nothing. This can't be right. She should be waking up. 

I pulled out my phone and called Casey. "Hello? Selien is everything okay?" I sighed in relief when she answered. "No Lula is not waking up! !" I said I was gonna keep her safe. How did she get like this? Was she poisoned? Is it a spell? "I'll be right over don't do anything. Lula is going to be fine." Cassie said calmingly and hung up. She'll be here soon. Once Lula wakes up I'm taking her to the pack. Honestly I should have this morning. This place was never going to be safe for her. But I can make sure she's safe there. I kneeled on the floor straightening out her hair. "You're gonna be fine. I'll make sure you're safe again."

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