The Continuation of a Late Night Conversation with Mr. Hot Stuff

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(A/N: do not be alarmed. Normal story-telling will return soon. This story hasn't been reduced to texts forever, hehe....)

What was his question? He wasn't going to ask if I liked him back, right? Right?


Flynn: will you ever admit that you actually enjoy my company? Even a little bit?

Relief!!! Anyway, my reply:

You are bearable at times

Flynn: yes!

Me: what did you tell the lady at Holy Grounds?

Flynn: what do you think I told her?

Me: something ignorant most likely.

Flynn: you underestimate me

Me: just tell me!

Flynn: I'll tell you later sometime in person, I wanna see the look on your face

Me: you may well be safer telling me over the phone

Flynn: getting smacked will be worth seeing the look of horror on your face

Me: jerk

Flynn: haha. So do you dream a lot

Me: define a lot

Flynn: never mind. Do you have any pets?

Me: I had a fish once, but I would dearly love to adopt an elderly cat

Flynn: I've always wanted a dog

Me: oh. Anyway, can I have my Star Wars shirt back?

Flynn: of course. I'll bring it to school Monday, don't worry I won't let anyone see me return it to you

Me: you better not

Flynn: okay so I know you like Harry Potter...

Me: obviously

Flynn: do you like chocolate?

Me: obviously. But only European chocolate.

Flynn: so if you had to give up one of those which would it be? Harry Potter or chocolate?

Me: you're killing me. Figuratively of course

Flynn: but seriously which one?

Me: eergh I don't know!

Flynn: you must answer!

Me: I think I'd give up chocolate??

Me: because then I'd live longer to enjoy Harry Potter

Flynn: good reasoning

Flynn: so what's your favorite movie?

Me: the Harry Potter movies were kind of awful so I'd say Lord of the Rings. All three of them

Flynn: favorite book

Me: Harry Potter series

Flynn: okay

Me: what's your favorite movie?

Flynn: I don't know

Me: well think

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