An Altercation Most Foul and Possible Jealousy

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"Ow - damn you!" I huffed as suddenly an endless galaxy appeared before my eyes. I squeezed them shut and leaned forward, massaging the back of my head.

"Oh God, Alison, I'm sorry...." Flynn apologized, though he seemed a bit too out of it to realize what exactly he was apologizing for. "What...what were you doing?" 

"Trying to turn the alarm off," I grumbled, opening my eyes to glare at him.

"Oh." With a clumsy hand he reached over and fiddled with the clock, and in seconds, there was silence.

"So did you sleep well?" I asked, though I'm not sure why. Chitchat isn't really my cup of tea.

"Mmm..." he mumbled, nodding as he rubbed the side of his head, messing up his hair even more.

"Anyway, could you get off so I can get out and get ready for school?"

"Mmm...." he mumbled again, sliding out of bed and shuffling sleepily to the beanbag chair, where he sank down and rubbed his hands down his face.

I scrambled from under the covers and hurried to the bathroom, my bladder feeling like it was dying because I all of a sudden had to pee.

As I emptied my grateful bladder, I thought about the night before, the fact that Mr. Hot Stuff had slept in my bed. It was indeed a very strange turn of events.

But just because it was strange didn't mean it was that bad, actually. It had been kind of nice, I suppose....sharing the bed with another warm body instead of just a stuffed animal. Er.....even if it had been Mr. Hot Stuff.....

I'm just glad he didn't snore. I wasn't quite sure if I snored or not, to be honest. Well, if I did, he didn't seem to be affected by it.

After I washed my hands and exited the bathroom, I saw that Flynn had fallen asleep again, his head leaning back behind him, as if staring up at the ceiling, his mouth wide open.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes, but I smiled despite myself. It was kind of funny, I guess. I sidestepped the chair and went into the closet to find something suitable to wear.


I smuggled Flynn out of the house before I tried to fix myself breakfast. He complained that he was hungry and it wasn't fair for me to throw him out when he was on the brink of starvation, I told him to stop exaggerating, and gave him an apple.

He didn't seem too pleased with just an apple, because he'd heard me talking to myself about cooking some bacon, but he left anyway, much to my relief.


I was at my locker when a tap on my shoulder caused me to jump. I turned quickly to see Flynn with his chin resting on his forearms as they were crossed on top of the door to my tiny metal storage closet.

"Hello, Mellon," he said, his lips curving in a crooked smile. My eyes caught on them and their perfect shape for a millisecond before I finished the journey up to his dark eyes.

"Hi," I said, focusing my attention back to my locker, in which I was searching desperately for a decent pencil.

"So, what are you up to?"

"I can't see how my current activities are any concern of yours," I replied, digging around through the junk that had accumulated within my space over time.

"Well, you're obviously looking for something...perhaps I can help you find it?" He suggested, stepping around behind me, leaning over my shoulder and breathing all over me.

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