The Part with Jokes and Weird Sh!t

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I just kind of sat there. He was all tense and ready to flinch away, apparently expecting me to lash out and rip his eyebrows off or something, but I just kind of sat there.

Flynn was turning pink, his dark eyes wide as they studied me apprehensively. My eyebrows were raised, frozen just like the rest of my face as I took him in.

I wasn't sure what to make of it, his confession. Was I happy about what he'd said? Worried? Mad? I couldn't be sure, at least not at the moment.

"So...are you mad?" He asked finally, his voice laced with nervousness as he continued to watch me.

"" Still, I was unsure of my current feelings on the situation. "It's fine, I guess."

After all, he was only joking, right? Of course he was only joking! But considering how I usually took everything so seriously, he was probably terrified of me because he thought that I thought he hadn't been joking!

"It was just a joke," I said, "I'm not mad about a joke."

"Yeah, just a joke," he said, nodding and clearing his throat, his eyes leaving my face as he spoke. "Glad you're not mad. Because, you know, it was just a joke."

"Yeah, your sense of humor is growing on me, I guess," I said, laughing nervously.

There was a weighty silence before he finally leapt to his feet and exclaimed, "look, it's not raining anymore!"


To say the ride home was awkward would be an understatement. I just didn't have anything to say, and since Flynn was apparently lost in his thoughts, he didn't perform his usual job of coming up conversational topics.

He just stared out the window the whole ride, and everything was quiet. I didn't usually mind silence, but this time, it was just...awkward. The vibe I was getting from him was odd.

I dropped him off at his apartment, tried to give him his coat back but he insisted I return it later sometime, we bid goodnight, and I then headed home to text Jenna and give her a lowdown of what happened.

Or maybe I shouldn't tell her? What if she made some huge deal about it? Or was it a huge deal? What was going on exactly? Did he like like me? Or was he actually just teasing me? Was I overthinking this? Or did it need to be overthought about?

So many questions! Too many to deal with. So I just settled in bed and started watching the first Harry Potter movie because since I'd started it earlier in the evening, I had to finish it. I couldn't be left hanging, after all.

But I was interrupted around halfway through by my phone buzzing. Oh god. Please don't be Flynn, please don't be Flynn, please don't be Flynn.... I chanted silently as I reached for my phone.

A sigh of relief fell from my lips when I saw it was only a text from Jenna, asking how the night had gone. But then there was a tiny, stupid part of me that was disappointed. I quickly squished that part out of existence.

-So did you have fun? Did you get rained out?

I answered, it was fun, even though we did get rained out in the middle of Harry's first Quidditch match.

-Aw that's too bad. What did you do after that?

We sat under the gazebo in the park until the rain calmed down enough for us to leave.

She simply replied with two smirking emojis, the ones specifically designed to indicate something "dirty".

Ew! Nothing happened! Gross, Jenna!

-Sure, sure


-Whatever you have to tell yourself you hopeless romantic

I am not a hopeless romantic!

-Yeah, okay


-So...what did you do?

We asked each other random questions to pass the time

-Ooh, did you ask him out?


-Did he ask you out?




I was now glad that I hadn't told her about the whole "not yet" thing. She would never let that one go.


Wes and I congregated at Jenna's house to get ready for the Halloween party on Sunday night. Well, actually all I did was sit and watch  Wes and Jenna get ready. All I had to do was put on the Chewbacca costume over my regular clothes. No makeup or hair styling to do. Which was awesome.

Jenna teased her red hair to new heights in preparation of transforming into the Mad Hatter, and Wes was trying his pirate's hat on with different angles, searching for the perfect way to wear it.

At last, however, they were ready, and we headed out to go pick up Flynn and go to the party. Which, I must admit, I was actually a little bit excited about.

The party. Not Flynn.

"I wish you would've gotten something cute to wear, Ali," Jenna lamented as we piled into my car.

"Hey, Chewie is cute, okay?" I retorted, turning the key in the ignition. "Besides, the costume was a gift."

"Yeah, from your boyfriend," Wes teased from the backseat.

"Just shut up, Wes," I said, rolling my eyes, "you know you're the only one of us that actually has a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you lucky little monster," Jenna said, playfully glaring back at him. "And why didn't you and Chase do a couple's costume?"

"We decided to just wear surprise costumes."

"Well, if I had a boyfriend, I would totally wear a couple's costume," Jenna said, "but unfortunately I'm single."

"Being single isn't a bad thing," I told her as I pulled out onto the road, "it just means you have more time for yourself and never have to shave anything."

"True, except that I shave everything anyway," she replied, "and we all know that even if you did have a boyfriend, you wouldn't shave anything."

"Well, it takes forever and I hate razor burn!" I protested, "if guys can be hairy, then so can I!"

"I gotta say, that kind of makes sense," Wes said, "I mean, it's only fair."

"Personally, I like how smooth I feel after I shave, so I'll just keep being hairless, thank you," Jenna said.

"To each their own," I said, "and my own is lazy hairiness."

Wes laughed. "We talk about the weirdest shit, don't we?"

"Yes, yes we do, and that's why our friendship is so strong," I replied, grinning.


Ayyee look who finally updated!! Eh, I still suck at updating...

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