The Part Where Rumors are Spread and Dates are Planned. Excellent.

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On Wednesday, Flynn latched onto me in the hallway between classes.

"So, when do you want to go on our first date? You know, the tasks?" He asked, walking backwards in front of me.

I shrugged. "Whenever is good for me." Or as good as it'll ever be. Ugh. Maybe it won't be too bad...?

"How about Friday? And don't forget, we have to go on two dates before the next party."

I sighed. "I know. One planned by you, one planned by me. And we could go to the Harry Potter movie showing in the park. I think it's on Saturday."

"Sounds good, Tilly's going to Aunt Phoebe's that day," Flynn said, giving me a thumbs up and a wink. I rolled my eyes, trying to walk around him.

But of course he just followed me.

"So how about you come over to my place around seven on Friday, for my date, and then you can drive us to our destination. You know, since the Terms and Agreements, I'm assuming, demand that you remain in control at all times. Oh, and wear something nice."

"Sure," I said, practically running to try to get away from him. I didn't want to go on one date, let alone two. This was annoying. I didn't need to get into a situation where the stupid weird teenage hormones might act up. I also didn't want to wear "something nice".

"Why do you keep trying to escape?" Flynn asked, grinning, as he hurried to keep up with me, which wasn't very hard considering the freakish length of his legs. Okay, maybe not freakish, whatever, I exaggerate. But no matter.

"I have a class," I muttered, even though this was actually my free period, and I quickly ducked into the nearest classroom. Which just so happened to be his next class. Of course.

So there I sat, in a class I wasn't even supposed to be in, stuck beside Mr. Hot Stuff, having to act like I belonged there, even though the teacher and the other students kept looking at me with confused expressions on their faces.

Dream come true. (Please note the sarcasm)


At lunch, Flynn joined our table again. Wes and Jenna did the same thing they did yesterday when he sat with us. And Flynn noticed the neglect they gave to their food.

"You know, if you're not gonna eat, you shouldn't buy lunch at all," he told them while stuffing his face.

"They only stop eating when you come over," I said, taking a small bite of my peanut butter sandwich.

"Really?" He grinned, while Jenna gave me a "why did you tell him" look and Wes turned red. "Look," Flynn addressed them, "I don't care if you eat like pigs, just feed yourselves."

They didn't move or say anything.

"I mean, look at how I eat," Flynn continued, gesturing to his plate, "just ask Alison, she'll tell you."

"He eats like a Neanderthal," I confirmed, looking down my nose at him.

He snickered, nearly choking on his food. "Good one," he mumbled.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I told him. He gave me a thumbs up and finished chewing.

It took a few minutes, but Wes and Jenna eventually returned to their normal selves and ate something. I began worrying if I acted differently around Flynn because of the stupid weird teenage hormones. What if I did? What if people noticed something going on? Aw, hell.

Terms and Agreements (on hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now