The Part Where Chewie Don't HAN-g Solo

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Of course, Flynn was dressed as Han Solo. Therefore, he claimed that technically, we were a "pair", and had to stick together.

But he didn't get good and started at being annoying until after Wes and Chase, who was dressed as a vampire, went on their way, and Jenna was dragged off by some girl from her Spanish class, and we were left alone.

"There can't be Chewie without Han," he said, trying to rest an elbow on my shoulder, but I shoved him off.

"I should have known your gift had an ulterior motive," I snapped, glaring at him. Not that he could see through the Chewie mask.

"Chewie don't Han-g Solo," He said, grinning.

"Ugh! Stop it."

"Oh come on, that was genius wordplay." He moved to stand in front of me, and seemed to be trying to make eye contact through the mask.


He waved his hand in a subtle circular motion, staring right at me. "I am the one you want to hang out with."

I scoffed. "As if."

He waved his hand again. "You want me to keep making bad puns."

"No. Stop acting like you're doing a Jedi mind trick. It won't work."

"You will crack a smile during the course of the evening," he said, waving his hand a third time.

I reached out and smacked his hand down. "Will you just stop it?"

He shot me an exaggerated look of shock, clutching his hand to his chest. "Oh my god! Alison, no touching! Remember the rules! Ugh!"

I groaned, shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

"How could you?" He gasped, his voice ridiculously squeaky as he seemed to be mocking the tone I used when scolding him.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed, my hands flying to my hips.

"Okay, okay," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender, "I know by now that when you put your hands on your hips, shit's about to go down."

"You better believe it."

"Though it is a little hard to take you seriously in a full-fledged Chewbacca costume," he said, his grin turning sheepish when I took the mask off. 

"Are you gonna hit me now?"

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't...I guess you'll just have to wait and see," I told him, trying to sound intimidating or mysterious. Though I probably failed.

He groaned. "I've got a bad feeling about this, Chewie."


As the party got into full swing, and there were people making out against the walls, I stood in a corner, trying to remain invisible and wishing I could turn the volume down on the music.

Flynn found me again, a plastic cup in each hand. He offered one to me, but I eyed it warily.

"What? It's just Sprite," he assured me, still trying to get me to take it.

"Um, thanks, but no thanks. I'm afraid it might be drugged," I told him, quite serious, not even reaching for the thing.

"Oh come on, Alison, do you seriously think I would drug your drink? I don't want to die," he said, laughing at me.

"Maybe you didn't drug it, but I don't know who or where you got it from. Use your brain if you have one!"

"Fine, I'll go pour it out."

He headed back through the crowd, disappearing into the writhing bodies and flashing lights. I felt a little bad, like I'd been too rude or something, but I sure as hell was not going to be drinking anything at a party like this! No way. 

Better safe than sorry.

I soon became fixated on this one couple who were actually dancing in quite a funny way, not being all weird and gropey like the others, but just kind of jumping around and laughing at each other's antics. So maybe not all of the people who came to these things were so bad after all.

A tap on my shoulder startled me out of watching them, and I turned to see Jenna standing there.

"Hey," I said, taking off my mask.

"Ugh...." She groaned, "I finally got away from Kelsey. She's so annoying all of a sudden, I don't even know what happened. I'm afraid she'll find me again."

"You're afraid who will find you again?" Flynn's voice came from the crowd, causing Jenna to jump and turn to look at him, her cheeks flaring a pale pink.

"Um...Kelsey," she replied as he joined us, still holding his cup. "She's this girl from my Spanish class who thinks we're friends, but...."

"You can't stand her?" Flynn finished, and Jenna nodded. "Well, at least it's pretty easy to hide in here, what with all the people and the lack of decent lighting."

"I guess," Jenna said, glancing around at the many faces with a nervous expression.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you," I told her, "I know what it's like to have an annoying person following you around all the time."

The second I said it, I wished I hadn't. It sounded different aloud than it had in my head. It sounded like I was directing a snide comment at a certain someone. But I swear I wasn't.

Jenna seemed too distracted to scold me, but Flynn took a sip of his drink, averting his eyes away from me. A second later he cleared his throat and stated bluntly that he'd catch up with us later and disappeared into the crowd once again.

Great. I probably just ruined our mellonship. Why did I have to be so unthinking?


Well, I finally updated!! But with a chapter where nothing really happened, and the last update was last year, so I apologize for the disappointment of this chapter. 

Hopefully, the next chapter won't be such a long wait, but you know how this goes already.

All I can do is thank you for sticking with me this long, despite my incompetence, and being so patient and wonderful.

You guys are great! 👏👏

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