Chapter 3

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Third Person POV


When Niji wakes up, she realizes getting a second chance in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn universe was real. She sits up groggily from her bed and looks out the window beside her. It was nighttime. But wasn't it morning when I met Aria? She ignored the doubts of being unconscious for the entire day. Although, it was her three year old body's fault for making her faint. Niji was mentally a teen, but here in this world she was three. Her baby self couldn't even take the stress of finding out of her existence here.

But what if someone found out about her reincarnation? Niji thought in wonder. Or being Reborn's daughter?

She drooped her head, thinking of all possibilities of what might happen to her if anyone found out. The Giglio Nero Bosses, they knew the future and possibly knew her history.

Shit! Niji panicked, If they know, would they tell someone? Her mind raced at the thought of Aria or even Yuni telling someone of her identity. She immediately swallowed the thought of Kawahira, also known as Checker Face, knowing her identity. Niji's mind stopped and when back to the part of Aether giving her her pacifer.

Is he connected to Aether, or is it the other way around?

Don't think too much. It's going to give you a headache.

Who asked you? Niji snapped, lying down and pulling the covers over her face, Who are you anyway?

The voice was quiet. Very quiet at her last question. That is for you to figure out.

'Figure out'? I just want to know who you are and get it over with! Niji said frustrated at the voice.

...ra said the voice. Niji couldn't make of what the voice said so she asked again.

What? She asked, giddy at finding out what the voice's name was. It probably wasn't the real exact name of voice but it was fine. At least it was easier to call the Voice a name now.

...Terra. You may call me Terra.

Earth? Niji questioned, confused. Why name yourself that?

Once again, Terra was silent. Niji sighed again and groaned. If she wasn't going to get her answers then she will herself, in the future. Her magenta coloured eyes directed to the door of her room. It was nighttime, so no one within the house was awake. The maids wents home, mother was asleep (hopefully) and Aria (hopefully) was gone.

Niji quietly threw off her covers and went to her mirror to get another look of herself. She was short, innocence screamed in her face but in reality, she was mature enough to know about the things about the outside world and the mafia. Niji was intelligent, but not that intelligent. Sure, she was in the Reborn! Universe but she was still human. She was not those super-powered people who could do anything and tell you they know everything. Niji wasn't that person. In her previous life, she didn't even pass middle school yet. She really wasn't that proud of herself.

Niji huffed and blew a strand of black hair out of her face. It was short, but it still bothered her. I look like a child. She wore a plain pink long sleeved shirt and pants. The sleeves were too long for her but for the hell of it she kept it like that to make her look more kid-ish.

Niji went to the door and jumped. Yes, she jumped. She was too short and is a three year old. After sixteen trys of trying to reach the doornob, she finally reached it and turned.

The door opened with a small groan and Niji tiptoed as quietly as she can out of her room to the dark shallow hall of her house (okay it look more like a house but it was as big as a Mansion). No light, candles or people. Just Niji, a black haired, magenta eyed three year old, sneaking out of her room.

I'm out! Niji mentally patted herself on the back, proud of herself. Now... With nowhere else to go, she went down the halls and turned at random. It was a big house- mansion. She corrected herself. Her mother didn't look like she was Italian Royalty. She didn't even want to think she was a princess of it.

I'm lost. Officially. Niji then felt a chill run up her spine and a prickle at her neck. Goosebumps were forming on her arms (can three year olds even get them?!) and she swiveled her head, eyed darting everything around her.

"W-Who's there?" The Italian language was still choppy on her tongue, considering that her first language was English. Though, Terra spoke English within her mind and that made things easier for Niji.

"Tu sei... la signorina Niji Sinclair I assumono?" When she said Italian was a bit choppy for her to speak, she meant speaking and understanding it. All she understood from the sentence asked from the darkness was 'Signorina' meaning 'Miss' and her name. But what surprised her most was the use of her surname.

...Well, Reborn's surname.

"Me?" Niji whined mentally about having to not learn most of the Italian vocabulary.

"Si." The person, thing, they confirmed quietly. The person stepped out from the darkness wearing the same choice of clothing that Erebus wore.

Is this... Really..?

"You!" Niji swore in English but quickly covered her mouth when Erebus put a finger to his lips, or was it?

Erebus kneeled to her height and reached out to grab her hand, which Niji kindly slaps away from her, jerking away. "What do you want?" She questions the God in a sharp mature voice. "Did you set this up?"

Erebus responded with nothing and got up and walked away. "Come." he says in perfect English. Her eyes blinked in surprise and hesitantly took a step foward. Erebus was far from an inch from her, still walking further and further.

What is he going to do? Niji puffed her cheeks, still staring in the direction Erebus was still walking into.

Go with him. Terra ordered. Niji's feet moved on her own; walking, then walking faster, then running through the dark halls of her mansion. Eventually, she went through a strange black mist.

"What...?" Niji gaped, dumbfounded. She was in a city, full of people. Her past life. She gasped.

She was in her previous self's body! Niji grabbed a strand of her brown hair and grew fond of it very quickly. Then the whole scene of her own past life shattered into a white abyss, the same she had been in when she was with Erebus and Aether.

"Hello again, Yang Féng. Or should I say, Niji Sinclair?"

Niji turned around, hair turning black, eyes melting into her original magenta eyes and body returning back to her normal self. The only difference was with her, was the grey pacifer with the orb still moving within it. Niji grasped the small grey pacifer hanging around her neck.

"Do you understand why you are here?" Erebus asks Niji in a monotone voice, patiently waiting for the magenta eyed girl's answer.

"Do you understand why your memories are shattering?" Erebus took a step toward Niji, she took a step back. Tumbling backwards, the white ground shatteres beneath her making her shriek in horror as she fell down.

I'm sorry Niji.

As Niji fell towards her doom, Erebus looked down at her falling form. The grey Pacifer shining brightly, engulfing Niji in an orange flame. Black spots filled her vision as panicked voice was all she could hear.

"Signorina Niji, svegliati!"

Mother? Or was it Alyse, Niji's mother? She didn't know, she couldn't tell. Who was she? Who is she? Panic rising. Take deep breaths.




Your name is Niji Sinclair and that's that. You'll wake up soon, little Rainbow.


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