Chapter 7

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Fun Fact: Niji's name was supposed to be Taiyou (Sun) or Hikari (Light) in context of Reborn having Sun Flame.


"Shinohara, thank you." Niji told the feminine man. His ears tinted red and he scratched his brown hair awkwardly.

"For what?" Her mother's personal maid- servant asked her softly, helping her up gently. Niji combed through her messy black hair and recalled her memories of Alyse's death and Shinohara unexpectedly saving her.

"For saving me," Niji says softly, throwing the covers off and jumping off the bed. Shinohara stared at her, waiting patiently for another reason. "and taking care of me when I was in that coma." Shinohara blinked his hazel coloured eyes at her figure turned back to him. He was staring at her place when she was in bed and she was in the doorway.

His gaze never left the bed but he did say, "And how did you know you were in a coma?" He asked her with a suspicious tone in his voice. He had a feeling it was the woman in white who had told Niji.

Niji's back was still facing him, Aether told me, she wanted to say but she had to keep Aether and Terra a secret until she is ready. Until the actual plot starts, she would tell one person at a time about Aether and Terra. Niji only knew Aether by meeting her at rare times, one at her rebirth and before awakening from her sleep. Terra at her birth like she was stuck with her almost her whole life. But both of them were enigmas. She only knew them from appearance but Terra was different. It was like she was Terra and Terra was her, it was an odd electrifying feeling of warmth. But still, both of them are unknown.

On Aether's part, Niji had a permanent reminder of her because of her Pacifier.

"A friend." Niji told Shinohara simply, walking out of the doorway and into the hallway. She then stopped in her tracks and found herself fond of the hallways. This isn't my home. What is this place? The more she looked around (with Shinohara walking after her), she realized this wasn't the same mansion she was raised in with her mother.

"What's wrong?"

Niji didn't turn to face him but walked to a large window instead. She lifted one of it's curtains with her small hand and pressed herself against it's frame. It was a beautiful sight, she could see all the way down to the ground and the buildings with only light through it's windows. The moon was full and small little stars blinked every minute.

"It's been a long time since I've seen the night sky. It's a beautiful sight." Niji demurs softly, thinking back on the times her mother read stories to her and watched the night together. She then realized that this life, was much better than her previous. Even if the plot of KHR was important, the only thing she wishes for is too not die again. If she dies, then what would be her purpose here? What would happen to Terra? Aether? Then again, if she was gone she wouldn't have to be involved in Tsuna's adventure to become Vongola Decimo. It would go the same way as the regular KHR plot.

"I see..." Shinohara says quietly, closing his eyes thinking of what to say. But what Niji said next caught him off guard.

"Let's eat! I'm starving here!" Niji says going off down the hallway. Shinohara rolled his eyes and walked after her.

Niji is four, then why does she look like a ten year old?


Niji ran off to the kitchen then stopped. A small figurer in a black cloak floated in front of her. The only thing that caught her eye was it's indigo pacifier. Her eyes widened, shocked at the display in front of her. Isn't that Ma-?

"Viper!" Niji's thoughts were cut off by Shinohara panting stopping beside her. He knows Viper?! A chibi Niji in her mind was spinning around ready to fall.

The Mist Arcobaleno disappeared in a puff of mist then appeared behind Shinohara and pulled out a small dark frog. Isn't that Mammon's animal familiar(1)?! Chibi Niji tripped. And isn't that frog poisonous?! She read it somewhere in the Wiki page and read it off some fanfics in her previous life.

Mammon put the small dark frog on Shinohara's head and reappeared on Niji's shoulder. Shinohara then shrieked and tried to get the frog off his head but the frog was latched onto his hair. Who knew Mammon was a sadist?

"Get it off of me!" Shinohara shrieked like a girl. It actually fits his feminine appearance but with his voice deep, it really didn't fit him.

"You have to pay, " Mammon said, counting his money. Where did that come from? "Ten euros."

"Hell no!" Shinohara told the Mist user when the frog but his finger when he finally got the frog off his head. Niji sweatdropped at the display in front of her but then turned to Mammon.

"Will he be okay?" She asked the Mist Arcobaleno concerned for Shinohara but amused at the same time.

Mammon stopped counting his money and put it in his pocket. He jumped off her shoulder and floated in front of her. "You are not a normal child, are you?"

Niji blinked her eyes innocently, but her voice gave her away. "What do you mean?" You sir, are an idiot. In a flash Mammon grabbed his pacifier and then removed it's chains. Isn't that the chains preventing his pacifier from glowing?

His indigo pacifier then glowed a faint purple hue and then her Grey Pacifier faded into existence glowing an orange hue from the orb. Mammon secretly looked intrigued at the Pacifier. What was another Arcobaleno doing here, at this age? Or was this child not an Arcobaleno? The orb in the grey pacifier was giving him a faint familiarity like the Sky Pacifier.

Mammon then tuned out Shinohara's screeching with his mist flames. Niji then gulpped at his sudden killer intent, their pacifiers glowing in harmony.

"There is only one Sky Pacifier, and that belongs to the Giglio Nero only. But why do you have it?"

Niji didn't know how to answer that.

Like I said, you are an idiot.


I would like to confirm that Niji isn't the Sky Arcobaleno.

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