Chapter 6

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A One Year time skip? Seems farfetched, but according to my 'Storyline of ROTN' it has to be done


It was the same thing all over again but different. Niji could still feel the coldcoldcold breeze passing by her so she shivered. She was in the same pitch black abyss when she striked a deal with Erebus and Aether. Floating in silence, remembering the days she lived as Niji Sinclair, daughter of Reborn, the Sun Arcobaleno and the World's Strongest Hitman. The only thing that Niji could think of was when she was saved by that person, man or woman, it felt warm. Like a piece in her soul was clipped into place never to be shattered apart. It felt like a cold, yet warm breeze. It was near her, a series of emotions passed by her like a running stream.

Who was she again?

Oh yeah. She was Niji, not entirely though. Just a girl who practically knows the future and was reborn (no pun there) as the daughter of Reborn himself.

Trapped in this silent black space of nothingness. Just her and no one else. She's not going to wake up but drown in her own despair of not protecting her mother. Not protecting Alyse, Niji's mother.

It's her fault.


Please wake up soon, Niji.

-1 Year Time Skip-
-Shinohara POV | Third-

Shinohara sighed, reaching up to his head and taking off his green hat. Hazel eyes narrowing to the window, it was already sunset. He then stretched out his arm to grab his hot coffee and took a sip. He hummed idly and stood from his chair and began to slide the curtains to cover the windows.

Shinohara glanced at a calander and squinted. 'May 28, XXXX.' He recalled images of the Alyse's murder and the girl going into a coma. The girl would've been dead months back but her flames were still active, cocooning her like a small little insect, keeping her alive. It awed him how her Sky Flames kept her alive for almost a year and a half. He wondered if other flames could do that, keep it's container alive.

He was glad, yes, but also irked. He was glad because he actually found a Sky to call him home, he didn't (and will never) like the Triads  as home. A group of assassins and children slaves. Nope. Irked because if he is Harmonized with a Sky, he would have to stay by their side at all times. That means he actually stayed by the girls- Niji's side for a whole year until she has awoken from her one year coma.

So Shinohara decided to go check up on the girl. He checked up on Niji's condition every once a week, but that escalated to once a month because he had a feeling the coma would last a very long time.

And he was right.

It lasted for a year, and now it's May. Almost half a year and Niji hasn't even woken up. He was sure she wasn't dead, she didn't attract flies or any bugs. But her flames gave him his answer.

Shinohara was sure Niji was now four years old. If he could tell the age difference between himself and the girl, he would say he was ten years old then the girl. He looked like he was in his twenties, but really he was fourteen years old.

Once he came before the girl's door, he rapped on it softly and got no response. He sighed again and opened the door quietly, tensed. His shoulders slumped as he pulled over a chair next to her side.

Niji's body had grew an inch, her hair grew longer but her skin looked pale. His eyes caught the small grey pacifier dimming around her neck. That was the thing keeping her alive. His eyes hardened, that woman. Memories of the woman in white with those piercing blue eyes flashed past his mind, did she live within the pacifier? She only let the girl touch it and not anyone else. And she knew about him being a Storm. Away from home.

Shinohara 'tsk'ed' and stood from his chair and slid the curtains over the windows. He looked over at the girl and closed his eyes.

Wake up soon, kid.

-Niji's POV | Third-

"Get up." A harsh voice ordered her. Niji winced as she was kicked in the side making her open her eyes and fall to the ground(?) hard. Ah, here she was in the white space again.

Niji groaned, sitting up and blinking rapidly as she saw... Aether? Four of them to be exact.

"You..." She pointed dazily at the Aether in the middle, or whatever was in the middle, "Aether..?" Her only reply was a smack upside her head making her yelp.

"Of course!" Aether grinned cat-like and picked up her body by her scruff. Aether's eyes hardened with a proud glint. "You've grown." said Aether simply. Niji's eyes widened and tried to look at herself. Aether, catching her struggling to look at herself, snapped her fingers and a stream appeared. She then dropped Niji near the stream.

Niji then began to look in amazement. She had grown! Her black hair grew up to her chest and she actually grew a few inches! But the only thing that bothered her the most was that she was pale. Very pale.

"You have been in a coma for over a year," This made her gape in disbelief, but Aether narrowed her eyes making her throw away the surprise. "Almost half."

"How am I alive then?" Niji asked Aether, anticipating her response. But the answer she got from the woman surprised her.

"That guy, Shinohara, has been taking care of you for a whole year." Aether then added, reached down to grab her by her scruff again. "It's what a Raging Storm would do for his Sky." She finished making Niji blink slowly. What? Aether didn't say anything but then waved at Niji and started to fade.

"You have to wake up now, Little Rainbow." Aether says, using the nickname that Aria used. With a snap of her fingers, something fell on her head and landed on the ground. The Grey Pacifier. The orb in it dimmed lightly but shined brighter as Niji held it close to her face.

"I'm glad your are waking up, Niji." Niji turned her head behind her and smiled weakly at the person who talked.

"And I'm glad I see you again, Terra." Terra smiled softly and the scene shattered.

Niji's eyes opened slowly and she groaned. Hazel eyes widened at her, but magenta eyes smiled back at it.

"Shinohara, thank you."


I'm sorry if it's rushed.
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