Chapter 16: God Save The Queen

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I didn't realize that I would be so stressed about Peter before. I want him to know that I truly do care about him. I want him to know that he's not alone. I was beginning to become angry. All because of Hydra. I mean, this is a 15 year old kid we're talking about here. Not some 28 year old super soldier. Even though Bucky didn't deserve what happened to him, he was a man. This is a child. My child.

"Steve, I'm gonna need you to watch they're back. From a distance." I ordered Steve.

"A distance? This better not be another suicide mission, Stark." He warned me, pointing his finger.

"It's not, but it will be if you're too close." I reminded him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you'll draw attention to yourself. If Peter sees you. It'll be bad." I said.

"Peter?" He asked.

"Peter's gonna be there?" Bruce asked.

"Well of course! It's the queen! It was in Hydra's file of missions. Really dumb to keep in all in a file with dates." I said.

"Won't he recognize Bucky and Loki?" Steve asked.

"Not anymore. They both look like completely different people. Hydra only wants the Avengers. Bucky and Loki are not apart of the Avengers. Sorry, but they aren't apart of the original group." I said.

"So we just throw them in there to do what exactly?" Nat asked.

"Save the queen." I said, as if it weren't already obvious.

"Why does Hydra want her?" Clint asked.

"Because. Hydra wants to kill world leaders. Hydra is everywhere. I hear some are in England as well. They want her dead. So, it's Bucky and Loki's job to let that not happen." I explained.

"Plus, if it were to happen, Peter would be a murderer." Steve added.

"Bingo, and I can't let that happen to that kid." I said.

"So, what's the plan?" Bucky chipped in.



"Okay, we're in, Stark." I whispered into the earpiece.

"Good, now go sit down in the middle somewhere, just so you can blend in." He said.

"Copy that." I said.

"I swear, you mortals have way too many problems." Loki said.

"Says the guy who tried to take over the world." I smiled.

"Oh, shut up, caveman." He hissed at me.

"Not a caveman anymore! I'm squeaky clean!" He laughed.

"Ew! Did you not shower before?! Who knows what kind of germs you laid upon me!" He looked disgusted.

"Lighten up. We're at a party!" I nudged him, and we sat down right in the middle of the room.

[30 minutes later]

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. Please stand for the queen." A man announced.

"We got her on watch Tony." Loki whispered. He's actually getting pretty good at this!

"Good. I'll find Peter." Tony whispered back.



I waited outside for what felt like hours. I heard applause, and then Loki told me that the plan was a go. I looked around as I stood on the roof and saw him.

He was walking towards the door in a suit. I saw the bruises on his hands. I could only imagine how many more were on his body. He got closer, and closer. Then, I flew down.

"Stop Pete." I held my hand up.

"Who are you?" Peter asked in a deep serious tone.

"Your father." I admitted.

"I don't have a father, Coke can." He said.

"I adopted you. I met you and your aunt that one time. Remember. Then, she left you. You don't know where she is." I started.

"Shut up!!!" He threw the first punch.

"You loved her with all your heart, and felt bad about the night before she left." I continued.

"Stop talking!" He continued to punch. And I continued to let him.

"You said some very harsh things to her. The next day, poof! She was gone! And you think its all your fault!" I yelled.

"Stop!!!" He just kept fighting me. And I wasn't going to fight him.

"I asked you if you wanted for me to adopt you. You said yes! You agreed, Peter! What happened to your Aunt May, your Uncle Ben, your mom, your It wasn't your fault, Peter!" I yelled, laying on the ground with a hesitating Peter hovering above me, holding up a punch.

"It was never your fault." I continued to say numerous times.

"Tony?" His glowing blue eyes turned back to brown.

"Peter! Oh my God! I though we almost lost you there buddy." I said.

He hugged me and I could feel tears on my jacket. Because I took the suit off.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him.

"I tried to kill you! I-I-I'm s-so sorr-rry!" He fell down onto his knees and balled. Balled harder than I'd ever seen him cry.

"Pete. It's okay. It wasn't you." I hugged him, shushing him.

"Mission complete." I whispered in my earpiece.

Bucky and Loki ran out from the building, and the Avengers ran from their posts.

"Hey, is he-?" Steve asked.

I nodded, and stroked Peter's hair. He was falling asleep.

"Let's get him home." I handed him to Steve cause I was too weak to carry him.

Steve picked him up with ease and Peter wrapped his arms around Steve. Buried into his chest.

We all hopped onto my jet and flew home. Sooner or later, Peter will have to wake up.



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