Chapter 15: Haircuts

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"Guys we have a visitor." I yelled out across the room where my fellow Avengers were.

"Who- oh." Clint looked fed up already.

"Hello peasants, it's your daddy." Loki mocked.

"Ok green giant, lets just talk ok?" I tried to get rid of his huge ego.

"What did you want? I heard it was something regarding my staff. Why, hello brother!" Loki stopped and smiled when he saw his big brother.

"Loki! How are you?! Are they feeding you well in Asgard?" Thor hugged him back.

"Just the usual. Nothing fancy, finally out of the prison thanks to you. Father said when I return I may be free again." He smiled. I can really tell he already has changed.

"But about the staff." I started.

"I don't want anything to do with that staff, it controlled me." He seemed really afraid.

"What? You were controlling it, weren't you?" Bruce asked.

"Sure, I was up to a little mischief, but it took me further than ever. I didn't mean to kill or take over the world. I just wanted to come here." He said.

"Loki, enough of your lies." Thor said.

"It's the truth! I was being controlled! I'm sorry for everything, I truly am!" He sighed.

"You okay Buck?" Steve asked his caveman friend.

"Yeah." He choked.

"I believe you." Bucky said.

"Really?" Loki was shocked that someone actually understood.

"I've been controlled and it's not fun. But then again I was brainwashed and tortured. It was horrible, I understand." He smiled. The first time I've ever really seen the caveman smile. His smile was actually...nice. Pretty even.

"Oh my God! I just came up with a brilliant plan!" I exclaimed.

"What?" They all asked.

"I'll explain later. Bucky, Loki, both of you get haircuts. Get a tuxedo as well." I shouted.

"What?! Why?!" They both asked.

"You two are going to be my birds tonight." I said.

"I thought we were your birds." Clint said pointing at Sam and himself.

"Not literally Barton, metaphorically." I said.

"Just do it!" I shouted.

They all ran and Bruce grabbed his scissors making his way to a room with Bucky and Loki, Steve and Thor followed.


"Alright Buck, Loki. You guys ready?" I asked them.

They both sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Bruce you can cut Loki's hair and I'll do Bucky's." I said. He nodded and Thor sat back and watched.

We knew what Tony was planning, but we don't know what for. I had watched the James Bond films and decided to give Buck a classic look, after our time. Bruce seemed to want the same for Loki.

We finished within 15 minutes because we were extremely careful. Then, we turned their chairs around, waiting for a positive reaction.

"Wow, this looks nice Steve." Bucky blinked seeming to hold back tears. I knew he wasn't used to seeing himself look the way he did before. I understood he wasn't prepared for everything yet. Heck, he still has nightmares.

Loki on the other hand...

"Are you joking? How am I supposed to go back to Asgard looking like a commoner!" He exclaimed.

"Better than a peasant." I said.

He glared at me.

"Lets go get that tux, Buck." I patted his shoulder.

He was just staring in the mirror, with tears running down his face. We had given him a shave, so now he's clean shaven and with a new haircut, looking like a totally different person.

"Bucky, come here." He stood up and he hugged me tightly, crying into my shirt.

"Someone doesn't like his haircut." Loki remarked.

"Shut up." Thor smacked him behind the head.

"Don't make me angry." Bruce said.

"Sorry." Loki said.

"Buck, I know. It's gonna be okay. Hey." I pulled him back and saw his red eyes and red nose and tears still threatening to fall.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." I said. He made a little sound, almost like a cough/sob and grabbed me again. Not wanting anyone to see his vulnerability.

"It's ok, James. I feel like crying to after seeing my brother's ridiculous haircut." Thor laughed.

"Shut up!" Loki hissed at his brother.

Bucky laughed and looked at the two siblings while one arm was still wrapped around me and his metal arm was rubbing his eyes. Only smearing the tears rather than take them away. I reached my hand out and wiped them away for him.

"We should go see Tony now." Bruce said.

"Yeah, lets go." I led Bucky, and he ran up and grabbed my hand, seeming not to trust anyone but me.

"There you guys are!" Tony exclaimed.

He looked at Bucky and smiled.

"Look at this little poser." He grabbed his cheeks and made him pucker.

Bucky grabbed Tony's arm with his metal arm.

"Ow ow, oww! Okay, sorry." Tony rubbed his arm.

"Loki, lookin sharp!" Tony complimented, very unusual.

"Here are the tuxedos." Tony opened up a door and two tuxedos were hanging. Both specially made for Buck and Loki.

"So what's the mission?" Bucky asked.

"We're gonna save the queen." He smiled.


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