Chapter 21: Heartbreak

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"So, are we dating now?" I asked Wanda.

"No. I'm in love with Vision!" She smiled.

I was in deep deep confusion.

"What? Then why did you say you were in love with me?" I yelled.

"Steve made me, he thought it would make you feel better."

*2 hours earlier*

"Let's pretend we're talking about how much you love Peter. It'll make him feel better." Steve said.

"Ok." Wanda replied.

*present time*

"That's it! That's all it took for you to agree?!" I yelled, pushing myself away from her.

"Well, yeah!" She said.

"Fine." I walked out of the room and tried to look for Steve.

"Steve! How could you?!" I yelled.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"You made her pretend to like me?!" I shouted.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I thought a distraction would help." He apologized.

"Distraction? She's no distraction, she's a teenager!" I yelled and then punched the super soldier.

Bucky almost jumped in.

"No Buck. I got this." Steve held the other man back.

"I'm sorry Peter. I wasn't thinking. Please accept my apology." He said.

"Screw you and your apologies. I'm done." I walked out.

"Hey Pete!" Tony/Dad said.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Woah! What's wrong with you?" He put his hand on my shoulder which I slapped away.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and ran to my room.


"What's up with him?" I asked Steve.

"I may or may not have lied to him about Wanda liking him." He said.

"Why would you do that? He's been loved before and then heartbroken. Why would you think that would be funny?" I asked.

"I didn't, I wanted him to be happy." He said.

"Happy? Wanda wasn't going to pretend to like him forever, was she?" I asked.

"I guess not." Steve said.

"Your stupidity amazes me sometimes." I said.

"I'm sorry Tony." He apologized.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him." I pointed at Peter's door.

"I already did. He won't listen." Steve explained.

"I'll go talk to him." I knocked on his door.

"Pete? Can I come in?" I said into the door crack.

"Go away." I heard a small voice that sounded like it was crying.

"Come on buddy. Let me in. Only me." I said.

"Fine." He whispered.

I opened the door and saw Peter's back facing me. He was laying on the bed.

"Hey Pete. You okay?" I walked around to where I could see his face and sat in a chair beside his bed.

"She broke my heart." He cried.

"Hey come here." I sat him up and hugged him.

"It's gonna be okay. Steve didn't know what he was doing. Wanda didn't know any better. They didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Okay?" I said.

He nodded and wiped away his tears.

"I'm just really tired of feeling this way." He said.

"What way?" I asked.

"Lied to. Tortured. Betrayed. I've been feeling it for years. I just wan-want to be happy a-gain." He sobbed out.

"I know. Why don't we take a vacation. Just you and me. We'll go wherever you want." I smiled at him.

"Really?" He smiled.

"Yeah! Where to?" I said.

"I've always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise." He said.

"Me too! Then that's what we'll do!" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Thank you. For everything. Before I met you I was alone. Now I have the biggest family! I really do love you Dad." He smiled.

"I love you too." We hugged and started planning our trip.


Some updates:

-Sherlock (if there are any fans out there) comes on tomorrow night!

-A Series Of Unfortunate Events is out on Netflix, go watch it! (Already binge watched the whole show)

-this may or may not be the last chapter of Spider-Man's Avengers. I've been getting writers block a lot and can't think much for the story.

-Justice and The Avengers is still going strong so go read that!

-I've been super stressed with my school cause it's a STEM school, I'm thinking about going back to homeschooling. I've been so stressed that I realized that I was super unhappy, it's still in the talks with my parents tho.

-that may mean that I'll have time to write more on Wattpad tho! So yay!

-hope u guys had a good week (cause I did not)


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