chapter 9-Confusion

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My eyes flutter open with Liam's hand holding mine, with his eyes closed.

I get butterflies in my stomach.

He likes me!!!!

A doctor walks in with a frown on his face.

"Hello Ms Calder." He says, flipping through a bunch of medical papers. "Is this your boyfriend?"

I go completely blank. I dont know.

Liam finally wakes up.

"Hey beautiful." Liam sleepy smile appears acrross his lips.

The doctor asks the question once again.

"Yes." Liam says, not letting go of my cold hand.

"May I speak with you, in private?" The doctor says, motioning him to go to the door.

Liam nods and kisses my cheek.

They close the door behind them.

I'm a very curious girl so I try to hear what they're saying.

The doctor has a very down tone.

But someone opens the door so I quickly go back to the hospital bed and try to look as innocent as I can.

But, it's not the doctor or Liam.

It's my mother.

"Hello El. How do you feel?" She says, sitting down beside me.

"Cold, but normal." I smile so she doesn't have to worry.

"Wonderful. I bought some soup for you." She hands me the hot clam chowder, my favourite.

"Thanks." I slurp it all and Liam and the doctor enter the scene.

"Alright. I think you should know Ellie." Liam says, looking down at me.

I widen my eyes in fear. "Am, I pregnant?" 

The doctor chuckles. "Of course not. But its better if your love tells you later."

Liam rolls his eyes. "Fine."

"You check out tomorrow at 2:00." My mom says.

"We'll leave you two alone." The doctor says, as if her daughter just got a boyfriend. (In a good way)

My mom shuts the door behind them and I know they're waiting for us to make out or something.

"So, like the soup?" Liam says awkwardly.

"Yeah, tastes like normal, I guess." I say, slurping more of the soup.

He nods and the breeze of silence comes in.

"So, do you really like me?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

Liam blushes and nods.

i feel my cheeks flushed.

"So, so do I." I stutter.

My brain is telling me to kiss him, but my heart is telling me to love him.

before I know it, his lips are on mine.

I feel a little awkward, but then I get use to it.

Liam breaks the kiss. "So you do like me." He chuckles.

"Be quiet." I say, in a teasing voice.

I fell asleep on Liam's shoulder, with Liam, still sleeping.

I look over at the clock.

2:43 AM.

I sigh and get out of bed, being tangled by the tube that gives me more life.

Voices mumbling are coming from outside, and I hear my name a few times. But, I'm not sure what They're talking about.

I get close enough to hear my mother and the doctor speak.

"We can't tell her yet." She says.

"But, what if its too late? What if she dies before she knows?" The doctor yells.

"She won't. We will tell her when she's ready. But for now, hurting her with the truth is not a good idea."My mother says.


I hear footsteps, approaching me from the back.

I turn around dramatically slow, and see Zayn standing there.

"hello Beautiful. Remember me?" He chuckles.

Somehow, I feel a little more attracted to him then before.

"Why are you here?" I say, backing away far enough that I'm against the wall.

"Because, they sent me here." He smirks.

I widen my eyes. "Who's they?" My curiosity takes over my brain.

"The people who have been watching you your whole life." He winks.

"My parents?" I say, confused.

Zayn chuckles, and yet I still don't know why Liam is not waking up by all the rucus we're making.

"Come on love. You don't know? Your their angel." 

"Zayn, I don't know who you're talking about. Just please, tell me who the hell you're talking about." I swear out of frustration.

"Fine Cupcake. Whatever floats your boat." He sits on the floor beside me so close that I could feel his breath bouncing on my neck.

"The Government. They're experimenting on you." Zayn smiles. "They sent me here. To protect you."

I almost let out a laugh. "Are you serious? You're the one that literally tried to kill me."

He shrugs. "If you want, this is a note from the Government."

Zayn hands me a crumpled up letter.

Zayn Jaavad Malik has the permission to be the Guardian of Eleanor Calder By the order of Mrs. Devna Cruz for the purpose of slight murder by Zayn Jaavad Malik. From the office of the Government,

Mrs. Devna Cruz.

There was a signature and a watermark.

The only thing that I can do is believe.

"Okay, I'll let you be my guardian. If you try not to kill me." I say.

Zayn lets out a soft, cute chuckle. "Mark my words princess. I will not murder you."

I raise my left eyebrow. "Promise?"

Zayn nods in his face saying Sure.

Liam wakes up from his never-hearing-anything-or-feeling-anything slumber.

"Why is Zayn here?" He asks in a sleepy voice that I've always loved.

We both stare at each other speechless.

"Zayn, what did you do to her?" Liam says, immediately on his feet, concerned.

"Come on Liam. I wouldn't hurt this delicate angel." He brushes His fingers through my curly, brunette hair. Shivers come down my back, in a good way. "S-stop calling me that."

"Don't you dare touch her!" Liam shouts.

Zayn shrugs, and lets go of me.

Liam has threatening eyes, faced to Zayn, luckily my mother and the doctor break the silence as they walk in.

"Calder, Unfortunately, we have bad news. And we had decided that it's time for you to know." Doctor says, with sympathy.

Liam's eyes turn cold. I hear them say; 'WHy are you telling her?'

The doctor flips through his papers on his notebook.

"We took many tests and tested your blood, and unfourtonately, we have found very bad news." The doctor says.

I'm really desprate to know what the heck they were talking about back there.

"Eleanor Calder, you, you have."

Those words, those words.

"You have-"

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