Chapter 15-over again

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Louis POV

Yes, I still do miss Skade. I wish she did too, but I bet she did the right thing.

I wasn't treating her like I should.

I'ved moved on. Well, I'm trying to anyway. My incident this afternoon with the old Eleanor, was awkward.

My heart was throbbing. I didn't know what to do. She was being watched. I was being watched. I can't tell her unless no one's watching.

I get a call from h.


"I see what happened this afternoon. You followed instructions, and broke rules." He sounds as if he's out of breath.

"I, I didn't mean-"

"Meet in my office tomorrow at lunch. You don't want to end up like Payne, do you,"

I knew what he was talking about. Liam didn't fly to Chicago, to a meeting to experiment. Eleanor knew she was being watched. She didn't like it. She hated it. She liked privacy, she has everything about her to hide.

"No sir."

"Very well. See you tomorrow, Tomlinson." I hear the beep when he hangs up and I sigh.

I hate this job. I was forced into it. My mother always wanted me to be some sort of scientist. She found a job one day and, it ruined my life. After my singing career, mom would always sign me up for NASA and things like that. I despised all of them. This job, was the only job that I kinda liked. And, couldn't disappoint my mom any longer. I accepted and hated. She died 4 years after that.

I look over at my pictures in my phone.

All of them, none deleted. I scroll through each and everyone of them. All my days where I was in college, and auditioning for the xfactor with the boys.

I come across one picture, with Skade and I, on our first date.

My heart feels like it's been stabbed, twisted, taken and out all over again.

I miss her, one direction, my life.

I wish I could just bump into her again and start a new beginning.

Skade's number is still in my contacts. I try to call her but the only thing answering is the voicemail. I still wait until it's done speaking.

I still love hearing her voice over and over again. Even if she doesn't miss me.

Because I still miss and love her.

Eleanor's POV

I feel, tired.

My eyes getting weary and heavy while my arms are getting weak.

I can't wait to go home and lay on my bed all soft and warm surrounded by Harry's smell.

My destination. Finally arrives, home.

My feet run as fast as the can, to the door. Unlock and open.

Shoes at the front. They aren't mine. Too small to be mine. I get a little suspicious. "Harry," I shout out.

I hear footsteps and a presence of someone behind me.

My head slowly turns around.

No one is there but my reflection.

Whispers from the back of my head.

I turn around again. No one but the silence of my home. I get scared, hopeless with out Harry.

Skade. Skade.

"Uh, hi." She says, as If she's been caught by the police.

"Why are you here?" I raise my voice.

"Why are you here?" She repeats my question.

Harry walks into the room. A cliché I found in movies. "Uh, hi el."

I look at him furiously. "What the hell is she doing here?" I raise my voice even higher.

"Look Eleanor I can-"

"No you can freakin not." I basically shout on the top of my lungs.

"Uh, I should go." Skade says, standing there awkwardly.

"Stay." I demand all demandy.

She stays in her spot, looking at the floor,

"Why is she here," I say.

"Because, I well," he's fumbling with his words, like every guy that cheated on me.

My eyes get watery. "I thought you actually love me." I say.

"My mom needs me to cook-" I interrupt Skade.

" I don't give." I say all scary.

My eyes lay on Harry, still furious, with fire in my eyes.

"Look Eleanor. I choose you. Not Skade. you" he says, trying to get close to me.

Skade looks somewhat hurt, but still a bit angry. " you told me that you broke up with her a year ago."

He looks red, like a tomato.

My eyes feel a bit heavy, as if I'm going to faint. I faint a lot. Is that one of the side effects for having long term amnesia?

I find my balance, and try to stay angry at Harry.

Someone bursts into the door. They look like dudes in a lab coat.

"No one move. We won't hurt you." They say with guns out. Like that totally makes sense.

We freeze, and they grab us from the wrist, and put us in a van. It's very clean, not like the ones from the movie. I suppose.

"Who the hell are you?" Skade curses.

"Scientists." They say without another word.

The drive there was long, as if it was in another island. But the driver, the drivers voice, it's so familiar, as if it's been in my life since forever,

The ride was quiet, only looking out the window, watching the trees flow with the breeze.

We arrive, with the scientists pulling us out of the van.

I feel something hit the back of my head. My eyes flutter shut. With nothing but darkness inside.

Liam's POV

that girl, that girl is someone I have met before.

I just don't know where. She's gorgeous, no doubt about it, but I'm suppose to hate her.

I do. She did after all, reject a society of forever living species.

But that girl, was someone like never before.

Someone that has these eyes that flutter. But I can't date her. She's a betrayer.

And besides, she doesn't know me. She hates me.

And I hate her too.

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