Chapter 19-For the love of returns

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Harry's POV

Cant believe Eleanor is awake. Alive again. I also cant believe that Skade isn't letting me sit in the front seat. But its okay. I'm sitting with the love of my life. She leans on my shoulder, as I kiss her forehead. "I missed you." I say. "So did I." We just relive that moment for awhile then start to fall asleep.

The thing that wakes me up is Skade's Cell phone. "Hello?" She answers. She puts it on speaker phone, since Eleanor and I are sleeping, while Niall isn't paying attention at all. Little did she know, I'm listening.

"Yea I can talk." She giggles out. Its Louis.

"Listen, I've been thinking, I'm, sorry for being so harsh on you."

"What do you mean? you're the best boyfriend I could ever have! You're the sweetest person to ever meet." She starts to giggle even more. "But, we cant date anymore." the car gets quiet, then Louis finally says: "Oh. I was thinking, that as well. But, thanks anyway." Louis hangs up and I could feel her voice trembling. She starts to cry, but not loudly. Niall looks over to her for just a glance. "I bought you a frosty for a reason. eat it." He puts his focus back on the road.

"We have to stay in a hotel for now. The roads are getting pretty dangerous." Niall says while taking off is seat belt. "Eleanor, when exactly did you wake up?" I ask, with my arm around her. "When you guys left, I should say." She puts on a bright smile and we exit the automobile.

"Hello. Do you have reservations?" The lady asks, with her contact on the computer.

"2 suites." Niall says, getting out his credit card.

"Wonderful. Your rooms are 866 and 867." She smiles and gives us our cards.

The elevator is huge. "Niall, how did you manage to pay all this?" Skade says, in amazement.

"Well duh! Im still famous you know. but not in these kinda cities. maybe more of north and south america?" He smirks as if he just impressed a girl.

She rolls her eyes and the elevator doors swing open.

"Me and skade will share a room. while you guys, you guys just share a room too. I know you will enjoy it." He winks. "Ew gross Niall!" Eleanor says, walking fast to our room. She blushes a little.

As I walk into the suite, its beautiful. with a master bed, 2 washrooms, a kitchen, and an hd tv. Its amazing. I really have no clue which city we're in, so i'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Eleanor jumps onto the bed, with her arms spread wide. "I'm so tired."

"But you slept the whole way." I tease. She throws a pillow at me and I throw one back. "Listen Harry. I need to sleep." She says, getting annoyed.

"Okay fine. But I'm not leaving." I smirk then lay beside her, with all my warmth surrounding her. "I didn't want to be alone anyway." She yawns. I can feel her muscles relax and see her eyes close.

Skades POV

The room is honestly amazing. But I still wish Louis was here.

Sorry I loved you. Goodbye. Skade.

I feel my eyes well up as well as my fist clench. I was so stupid. I do love him. Goodbye should not be the answer. I sit by the window, with the full view of all the cars and lights. Like a normal city. I feel Niall's presence as he wraps his arms around me. I freeze. I'm unable to move. Literally. "Sorry about before. I know you're sad and all. I just wish-" I move away. "Thanks Niall, but no thanks." My eyes are puffed and red. I don't want him to see me this way. And what about Esther? It doesn't matter about that kind of stuff anymore. I should just take a warm bath and relax for a while.

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