6 ~ Guests

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3... 2... 1... 

We both jumped up and Alice immediately pulled the string of her bow back, ready to let an arrow sink in someone's -or something's- flesh. Just like me.

We saw a boy, he was probably around 18-20 years old. He put his hands up in defence as soon as he saw our loaded weapons.

"Whoa, don't shoot me! What do you want?" he asked with panic written all over his face.

"I'm looking for my brother. He's hurt real bad. You seen him?" I snapped, my crossbow aimed at his face. The boy looked desperately around. Alice looked at him with cold eyes. "Answer him!" she hissed, looking dangerous.

"Ayúdame!" the boy suddenly yelled. With that he drew the attention of every walker around here.

"Shut up!" I snarled. "You're gonna bring the geeks down on us. Answer me!"

He still didn't say anything. "Come on! Answer!" Alice said, pulling the string of her bow back even more.

"Ayúdame! Ayúdame!" the boy yelled again. I looked at Alice, not knowing what to do. "Ayúdame!" It was enough. I hit him straight on his head, making him fall to the ground. Alice immediately jumped on him, dropping her bow and pulling out her long hunting knife.

"Shut up!" we both snapped, while I held his mouth shut.

Then we heard people running towards us. I looked up and saw two dangerous looking men approaching us. One of them kicked me away from the boy and the other pulled Alice away.

"Let her go!" I yelled angrily. I didn't know why, but I cared more about her than myself. I never cared about someone else. Maybe just Merle. I saw a shocked expression on her face, seeing she didn't expect it either. But at this moment I couldn't care less.

The guy that kicked me held a baseball bat and started to hit me with it, while the other still held Alice. She planted her elbow in his private area and he let go of her, groaning.

She tried to reach her bow, since she accidentally dropped her knife when we got attacked and it was a few metres away. But the man saw it and kicked her side making her fall on the ground, gasping for air. At this moment I saw Glenn running back.

He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight in front of him. The bag of guns were in his hands and his eyes were wide.

"That's it! That's the bag, vato! Take it! Take it!" the man that attacked Alice yelled. Baseball bat guy ran straight to Glenn, throwing him on the ground. Alice and I still lay on the ground, catching our breaths. I saw my crossbow a few feet away. I grabbed it while Alice got up also. I aimed on Baseball bat guy's leg and the arrow hit him.

He screamed out in pain while Alice took a small knife from behind her shoulder. I didn't even know she had a knife there.


I held the knife at the point and threw it. It wasn't as good as normally due to everything, but it was still a good shot. But the man I aimed for, ducked right in time so the knife just hit the fence that was behind him.

We could hear a car approaching, we knew we needed to be fast. I saw Daryl loading his crossbow again and he was ready to shoot, but Baseball bat guy was already through the fence. The other one pulled Glenn up and held him in front of his body. Daryl couldn't risk to shoot. He might hit Glenn. The bag of guns lay there on the ground, since Glenn dropped it. They didn't take it.

"Daryl! Daryl! Alice!" Glenn yelled, while he was pulled back. The car was there by now and they got in quickly. They drove away immediately, leaving us there.

"Come back here, you sumbitches!" Daryl yelled while hitting the fence. I picked up my hunting knife and bow, making sure there was an arrow on it so I could shoot when there were more of them. I didn't think so, they drove away, but you never knew. Walkers came closer because of all the noise and I ran towards the fence, closing it. Then I picked up my throwing knife and put it back in the sheath behind my shoulder.

Again I heard running footsteps behind us and I spun around, pulling back the string. But it were just Rick and T-Dog, attracted by the noises.

By now I saw the boy because he stood up and remembered he was also still there. Daryl ran to him and smashed him against the wall.

I had my bow still ready for if he would try to run and escape. Or just did some other stupid things.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop it!" Rick shouted at Daryl, pushing him away from the boy. But I was also still there. I ran towards the boy while pulling out my hunting knife and held it against his throat. My bow was still in my other hand, so it didn't go really smoothly. Before I could pin him against the wall, T-Dog was behind me and picked me up, pulling me away from the boy.

"I'm gonna kick you nuts up in your throat!" Daryl yelled at the boy while Rick still held him back.

The boy looked around, clearly to escape. But in the small alley there was no way to get past us. Daryl and Rick on one side -and lots of walkers behind the fence- and T-Dog and I on the other.

"They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends." I spat.

"I'm gonna stomp your ass!" Daryl yelled at the same time to the boy.

"Guys! Guys! We're cut off!" T-Dog said, ignoring us.

"Get to the lab. Go!" Rick yelled. T-Dog let me go and pulled the boy with him. I send one last glare to him before following them.

They got Glenn.

They'll regret that.



I don't really know what's going on, but I'm sick again... I hope I'll be able to upload Sunday, but sadly I'm not sure.

I got over 70 reads already! That's amazing! Thank you all so much!

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xx love

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