5 ~ Glenn's Plan

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I was still in shock from the fact that Merle had sawed off his own hand. I didn't know that guy, but apparently everyone was right about him being 'special'.

Suddenly Daryl's crossbow shot up, pointing to T-Dog's head. Rick immediately cocked his gun and held the barrel against Daryl's head.

"I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." he said with emphasis. Daryl was fighting against his tears and slowly put down his crossbow.

He pulled himself back together and walked towards the hand and looked at it closely.

"Guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs. Ain't that a bitch." he said. "Got a do-rag or something?" he asked T-Dog. T-Dog took one out of his pocket and handed it over to Daryl.

Daryl bent down next to the hand again and packed it carefully in the do-rag.

He stood up and walked over to Glenn, who looked like he was about to throw up. Daryl opened Glenn's backpack and put the hand in it. Glenn grimaced, but didn't say anything. He knew better than making Daryl even more angry.

"He must have used a tourniquet, maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't." Daryl said calmly. How can he be this calm right now? I had to admit that he was stronger than I thougt at first.

There was a trail of small blood drops and we followed it. At the other side of the roof we walked in the building again.

We all had our weapons ready and we were all a bit nervous I could tell.

"Merle!" Daryl suddenly yelled which startled me. "Shut up!" I whisper-yelled at the same time Rick said "Keep your voice low. We're probably not alone in here and I don't want to be swarmed by walkers."

Daryl just mumbled something back and it didn't sound really nice, but at least he didn't yell anymore.

We reached a room where two dead walkers were laid on the ground. At the other side of the room was a still 'living' walker. Daryl shot it in the head before she could even walk towards us.

"Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches, even with one hand. Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother." Daryl said proudly while loading his crossbow again. I snorted softly, no one heard. Sounded like a lovely and cosy family.

"Even the toughest people can die from bloodloss." Rick said, walking further. "Merle!" Daryl yelled.

"We're not alone here. Remember?" Rick hissed angrily. "Screw that." Daryl growled, but his voice was lower than before.

"He could be bleeding out. You said so yourself." he said, still not talking too loud. Rick looked like he wanted to say something back. This was tiring.

"Shut up, both of you! We're never going to find him if we don't work together. We have to stay quiet like Rick said." I said, looking at both of them. T-Dog and Glenn just stood there, looking at us.

Daryl and Rick both looked a bit surprised at me, but they didn't say anything. Luckily. We kept on walking and reached another room. There was a table with all kinds of stuff placed on it. It looked kind of like a lab. But the smell... It was horrible.

Rick stood at the table where some small flames were burning, and held up a metal plate with some black stuff on it. Next to it was a bloody belt.

"What's that burned stuff?" Glenn asked him.

"Skin. He cauterized the stump." Rick said, frowning. Glenn looked like he was about to throw up and I bet my face looked exactly the same.

"Told you he was tough." Daryl said softly to Rick. I had to admit it, he was a tough guy. How can you do that to yourself?

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