The past few days have not been the best days of my life, that's for sure... Okay, so i've been miserable. I've been watching Muggle movies in my room, with a case of butter beers and Rocky Road ice cream.
Rocky Road. Ironic huh?
I only just got dressed in something other than my sweatpants and a big t-shirt. I am supposed to leave for King's Cross Station in an hour. I was eighteen and I still pouted like I was five. It didn't help that I was extremely stubborn.
Harry had tried to visit. Each time I'd told him i'd hex him into the next century if he did.
He didn't show up.
Ginny had sent me several letters, along with Harry. I hadn't opened a single one. There was a nice neat pile of Ron's letters right next to the fireplace, you know, in case I got cold and ran out of wood.
I had only decided to get out of bed twenty minutes ago. And I had to shower still. As I got into the shower, I thought about my parents.
My parents were quite worried about me. Every meal time they'd slide food under for me. I ate it. I didn't want to starve. But I never went out of my room. And no one came in. Partly because I locked the door and threatened to hex them. I can be pretty persuasive with a wand.
Although, It's amazing how many people were afraid of me with a wand.
I got out of the shower and got ready. I put on my muggle clothes and pulled my trunk to the door. I had already packed it several days before.
But you would've known that if you had read the first chapter.
I took a deep breath and took off all of the enchantments from the door and unlocked it. I pushed it open and the first thing I saw was My mum. Her fist was raised, as if she was about to knock on my forehead.
I raised my eyebrows at her and pushed her hand down. She looked surprised. "What? You're surprised I'm still alive?" I asked. I guess that shook her out of her trance.
She shook her head, "I just thought we'd have to call some aurors to get you out of there." I laughed. Somehow.
My mum smiled at that. "You alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I wasn't lying either. I really was okay.
I had realized last night, when I ran out of Rocky Road Ice cream of course, that I shouldn't be the one crying. I didn't do anything wrong. I realized I was only hurting myself by acting like this. Although, it still didn't make it any easier.
I was starting to get over him already. Although, spending every day with him would be a bit painful. I'm sure i'd get used to it. At some point... or not. But I was trying to be optimistic.
My mum smiled and said, "Well, we'd better get going so that we can get there in time." I nodded.
My mum always thought it necessary to accompany me to King's Cross Station. My father didn't. He sighed every time, but smiled at me. "Be careful." He'd always tell me. And then I'd always sigh and tell him, "I know." Then I'd hug him and then we'd leave, but every time, before the door could close, he'd say, "I love you." Then, I'd pause and smile at him. "I love you too."
The same thing happened today. And I was quite sad that would be the last time we'd do that. It was my last year at Hogwarts.
We drove to King's Cross Station. And I know what you're thinking, 'You're a witch! Why would you drive?'
Well, my parents absolutely despised apparating. It was kind of funny some times.
We arrived at platform 9 and 10 with ten minutes to spare. This was always where she left me before leaving.

She's Mine -- Dramione
FanfictionI glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Everyone in Hogwarts (Students, teachers, etc.) are still alive. Top rank #13 Thank you! This story is completely Edited.