"I'll see you in a little bit." I whispered and pecked him on the lips. He nodded, pouting. I rolled my eyes, "Grow up, Malfoy."
I saw Ginny smirking at me, I glared at her, "You too." She shrugged. "I grew up too fast." I nodded and side hugged her, "We all did."
We made our way to the train as the whistle blew. "You going to sit with us or with ferret?" Ginny asked, grabbing Harry's hand as we got on board. "I suppose, just as long as that bloody-" I heard a giggle, "Won Won!" I sighed, "Yeah. That." I turned around to see... surprise! surprise! Ron and Lavender... Snogging. I mean, what else do they do 24/7?
Don't answer that.
Ginny scoffed and pulled a frowning Harry away. I stood there, though. Until I felt two familiar hands on my waist. He pulled me close to his and whispered in my ear. "Would it make you feel better if I started snogging you right here?" I laughed and shrugged, a mysterious look in my eye.
Draco got the hint, he picked me up and gave me a long kiss. I giggled and walked away, he smirked and called after me, "You're such a tease!" I laugh and look back. Draco was grinning like an idiot at the murderous look on Ron's face. While Lavender pouted at Ron, who wasn't giving her a second glance. That made me laugh even harder.
I lost Harry and Ginny. I looked through the compartments until I saw Harry, Ginny, Ron, and surprisingly... no Lavender. "Where's Brown?" I asked, sliding the compartment door open and sitting next to Ron.
Ron glared at me, "Where's Malfoy?" I shrug, "In the Slytherin compartments. Where he's supposed to be." Ron glared at the floor. I smiled at Ginny.
She looked surprised, "'Mione! Are you coming to the burrow now?!" She looked excited, but I shook my head. Her grin turned to a frown. But it came back, "Wait! Did your parents get back early or something?" I shook my head.
Harry frowned, "Then where are you going?" I took a deep breathe. None of them would take this okay. "Malfoy Manor." I winced, waiting for the screaming. I peeked out of my hand to see Ginny grinning like a mad person, Harry's eyes were bulging and his jaw was on the floor, and Ron was fuming, his face was a deep shade of red. It was kind of scary.
Ron stood up, "What!?" I shrugged, "I'm going to the Malfoy Manor." I stated. Ron gaped at me, "Hermione! You were tortured there! I still have nightmares about that night, your screaming!" I stood up, agitated. "You don't think I don't have nightmares of that day, Ron! And yes, I was tortured there. Because of Voldemort. And guess what Ron, Voldemort is dead!" Ron shook his head, "They're going to throw you out, and you watch. Malfoy is just going to stand there and watch as they do it." I glared at him, "Don't you get it!? I'm not doing this for myself Ron!"
Ron stumbled back, "You're doing this for Malfoy?" I nodded. "Yes." I breathed. "You're making the wrong choice." He glared at me, "And what would be the right choice?" I waited. I knew what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to break up with Malfoy, and go back to being with him. He just wasn't desperate enough to admit it yet. "To go back to you?" I whispered. He growled at me and made for the door.
I whipped around. "Go! Just run away from me again. That's all we ever do these days. We argue. And it's all your fault!" Ron turned around and glared at me. I was a little afraid of him at the moment, but like my stubborn self, I folded my arms and glared back.
Ron shook his head, "You're going to regret that."
The train whistle blew and we came to a stop, waking me up. I saw the familiar faces of parents of students. My stomach was tying itself in knots. I was sweating I was so nervous. Ron was right, I was tortured at the place I'm going to. And I am an idiot If I think that they'll even let me inside.
"We'll see you later 'Mione." Harry smiled as he exited the compartment. Ginny smiled and grabbed my hand, "It'll be fine. Malfoy will take care of you." I nod and smile at her gratefully. "Thanks. Take care Gin." She smiles and walks out of the compartment. I stood up and looked out into the crowd, searching for the Malfoys. "They're not going to be out there if you're looking for them." I turned around to see the smirking Draco Malfoy.
I smiled nervously at him. "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning. "I'm nervous." I confessed. Draco smirked, "The Gryffindor princess is scared." I frowned at him, "Draco, I was tortured at the Malfoy Manor." Draco's smile fell. He nodded, "Right. I'm sorry." He shook his head, "I'll never let them touch you. I promise." I smiled and nodded, taking his hand.
We walked off the train, grabbed our things and Draco apparated us to the Malfoy Manor. I had forgotten about it being that big. But that wasn't my first impression of the house. Oh no, I imagined Harry being dragged by Bellatrix to the door. Terrible, terrible memories came flying back.
I looked over at her as we appeared. She involuntarily shuddered and I saw her go pale. I'm a monster for asking her to come here. I truly am. My forehead creased in concern, she noticed me staring and put on her brave smile. I squeezed her hand and asked, "Ready?" She let out a shaky breath and said, "Just as long as we don't go in that room, then yes." I nod.
The drawing room.
The room where she was tortured by my lunatic of an aunt. Thank Merlin she died in the war.
We walked up to the front door, which I knocked on twice and opened the door. She gasped. "It's white." She whispered. I nodded. The last time she had been here, everything had been dark, depressing, and black. As if the house was grieving for us. The furniture was replaced with white furniture and wood walls. It was bright inside now.
I flinched as I walked into the Manor. I always did. The Malfoy Manor never truly felt like home since the war. Not when every time I walked inside it I was haunted by screams and death. It will take me years for me to be able to walk in the manor without flinching.
"Draco! Draco is that you!?" I heard my mother call. Hermione had wandered to the bookshelf to admire the books, I rolled my eyes but smiled at her. She was adorable. I saw my mother enter the room she grinned at me and gave me a hug. "Hello Mother." I said. She smiled at me and glanced at Hermione. "That doesn't look like Pansy." My mother frowned. I laughed, "That's because that's not Pansy."
"Granger." I said, My mother's jaw dropped. "What?" Hermione asked, not turning around. "Meet my mother." At that, she whipped around and smiled at my mother. "Hello Mrs. Malfoy." My mother recovered and smiled, holding out her hand, Hermione smiled bigger and took it. My mother cleared her throat, "Excuse my manors. I was just... shocked." She explained to Hermione.
My mother looked at me, "Are you two...?" I grabbed Hermione's hand behind my back and she squeezed it thoughtfully. Hermione didn't see me show my mother a flash of it. She nodded and pursed her lips. "Your father is in the drawing room. Perhaps you should say-" I shook my head as Hermione froze. "No. We'll wait until he comes out for Dinner."
My mother nodded understandably, glancing, a little too long, at Hermione's left arm. "Right. I'm sorry. Maybe you should put your stuff away. And Miss. Granger can stay in the guest room." I frowned, "Her name's Hermione." My mother smiled at Hermione apologetically, "My apologies, Hermione."
Hermione smiled and nodded. I guess she was still thinking about the drawing room, because she was pale. "Let's go." I whispered in her ear and we walked up the steps.
Thank you for 520! And 40 votes!

She's Mine -- Dramione
FanfictionI glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Everyone in Hogwarts (Students, teachers, etc.) are still alive. Top rank #13 Thank you! This story is completely Edited.