"Granger, now is not the time to get back at me for hogging the bathroom last night!" I called as I knocked on the door. "Oh so you do admit it?" I hit my forehead against the wall.
Walked right into that one.
"Yes! Fine! I admit it!" I said. The door opened and I caught myself just in time before collapsing on top of her. Although that might've not been that bad. She smirked at me. "That's all you had to say."
She picked up her bag and walked out of the common room, she opened Lulu's portrait and smirked at me. "I'm off to class." She said and shut the portrait behind her.
Bloody Gryffindors. Do they all have to be so bloody stubborn?
I couldn't dwell on it. Or else I'd me ten time more late. I was so used to Blaise waking me up at Hogwarts that I completely forgot he wasn't in the same dorm as me anymore.
Luckily, all I had to do was brush my teeth and fix my hair. The bad thing, fixing hair didn't always happen in five minutes.
What? Perfection takes time.
I brushed my teeth first, then I worked in my hair. I glanced at the clock. One minute until I had to be in potions with Slughorn. I looked in the mirror. It looked alright.
I fixed my hair as I sprinted to the dungeons
Somehow, I made it in time. Probably because Slughorn was ten minutes late because a first year tried to use their wand without even a minute of lessons.
Blaise had saved me a seat. I slid into it and plopped my potions book on the table.
Blaise raised his eyebrows at me. "Question." I nodded, "Answer." Blaise looked over at Granger. "Why is she on time and you aren't?" I scowled at him. "Because of you." He raised his hands up in surrender. "What could I have done?"
"Well, I suppose its more of what you didn't do." Blaise raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? And what exactly didn't I do?" I huffed, "You didn't wake me up!" Blaise gave me a look, "Um. Did you want me to break into the Head dorm and wake you up, because I'd probably get yelled at." I laugh, "You'd probably do that just to get a good look at Granger." He laughed.
"Nah. You'd probably kill me." Blaise said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He scoffed, "Oh please, you fancy Granger!" Blaise said. I gave him a look, "Um. Blaise, have you hit your head?" I asked, seriously concerned.
"What? No!" He gave me a knowing smile, "Are you denying it?" I nodded, "Um. Yes. Because I don't fancy that mudblood." Blaise rolled his eyes, "Oh please. I'm betting you've had a crush on her since you laid your eyes on her." I rolled my eyes, "You're wrong, Blaise."
He nods, "Alright. Let's see here. I bet you ten galleons that you two will be together by Christmas vacation." I rolled my eyes. But he stuck out his hand.
I shook my head at him and took it. "Fine," I smirked, "You'd better visit Gringotts, because pretty soon you're gonna be coughing up money." Blaise laughed and narrowed his eyes at me, "In your dreams Blondie." I grinned at him and out him in a headlock.
"Hey!" He protests. I laugh and rub my knuckled over his head, severely messing up his hair. I finally let him out, he did the same to me. I elbowed him in the gut.
"Blaise! I spent forever on my hair this morning!" I exclaimed, punching him in the gut. He laughed.
Granger, who sat conveniently close laughed. "Oh please, it doesn't look that horrendous." I smirked at her, "I'm sorry, were you complimenting me, Granger?" She rolled her eyes. "I suppose you could take it like that." She reached over and ran her fingers through my hair, fixing it.
"There, now it only looks kind of horrendous." She smirked. I frowned at her, "Gee, Thanks." She grinned, "Don't mention it."
I saw Weasel glaring at me from the desk next to Granger. I nodded 'sup' at him. Granger turned to look who I was looking at, The red head saved his sorry- Never mind.
He looked away in time. And the Boy who lived, looked at me skeptically. Ginny was smiling at Granger and me. It made me uncomfortable.
Slughorn came in and they all looked at him. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Blaise, Who was grinning, but looking straight at Slughorn.
I rolled my eyes, "What?" He didn't change his face or where his eyes were looking, he tried to mimic me and in his best voice of mine, and said, "'Um. Yes. Because I don't fancy that mudblood.'" I rolled my eyes and ignored him, but he wasn't done.
"'Um. Blaise, have you hit your head.' 'You're wrong, Blaise.'" I gave him a look, "Are you done yet?" Blaise grinned even wider, if that was possible. "Not yet."
"'What are you talking about?'" I frowned at him, disappointed with him. "That one wasn't even good." Blaise gave me a look.
"Well, you didn't exactly give me a lot to work with." I laughed.
"Alright, can someone tell me what this last potion is?" Slughorn asked. I yawned and stretched. Purposefully or not, slapping Blaise in the face... several times.
Of course, Granger's hand went sky high. "Yes! Miss Granger!" Slughorn asked, delighted that there was still a student in his class that cared probably.
Granger stepped forward. "That's the most powerful love potion in the world, Amortentia." She paused and glanced warily at the potion, "It is distinctive to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them.
I didn't know that. You know, sometimes, I think that Granger would be a better teacher than any of these professors. But then again, I'd be afraid to walk into the classroom If she were the teacher.
She took a step forward and sniffed the potion, "For example I smell, freshly mown grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste, cologne..." She blinked and took a step back, almost running into the group of girls who were creeping up to the potion.
"That is correct!" Slughorn exclaimed and put the lid on the potion. The group of girls avoided eye contact with anyone and shuffled back to their spot.
Slughorn babbled on with the assignment. But honestly, I didn't hear a thing. I figured I'd just look over at Granger's cauldron and copy it. So, I was all set.
While we were working on our potions, I started to think about what Blaise said. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true.
I knew better than to fancy a mudblood. My father would kill me. And I honestly don't think he would hesitate. And even if he did, I'd be disowned.
I glanced at Granger. She was concentrated. Her hair was all frizzy because of the potion she was brewing.
Her eyebrows were furrowed together in deep concentration. She kept glaring at her textbook. I smiled at that.
Hermione Granger was different. She wasn't a mudblood. My parents were wrong. She was a girl who was a perfect student, a perfect Gryffindor, a perfect person.
Maybe I had a crush on Granger for the first couple years at Hogwarts. Okay, maybe all of them. But, Not now. I couldn't fancy her now.
Besides, she wouldn't like me anyways.
I hope you love this story as much as I do :)

She's Mine -- Dramione
FanfictionI glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Everyone in Hogwarts (Students, teachers, etc.) are still alive. Top rank #13 Thank you! This story is completely Edited.