You Gave Me Something Even Better, You Gave Me Your Love

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I woke up next to Hermione. And I don't remember ever smiling this early in the morning. She looked so peaceful while she was sleeping. Her arm was draped over my stomach and her head on my chest. I tried to get up as quietly as I could so that I wouldn't wake her up. She moaned and turned the other way. 

I got the tiny package in my coat pocket and walked down the stairs. My mother was sitting next to the fireplace with a cup of tea. My father was next to her. My father saw me first. He glanced around me, to see if Hermione was there. Once he didn't see her, he asked, "So you got rid of the mudblood?" My mother scowled at him.

"Don't call her that." I scowled, " And no, she's still asleep." I said. My mother eyed the white box in my hands, "What's that?" I hid it behind my back, "Her Christmas present." I saw my father scowl at me, but my mother was grinning into her tea. "Well, as soon as Hermione comes down, we'll open presents then." 

"Go on, Granger. Open it." I said. She smiled, she had already given me a present. It surprised me that she thought of me.  She had gotten me... a book. Surprise.  Although, it looked interesting. It was one of those muggle romance books. Which, didn't help my case. She had said it was her favorite. 

She picked up the (now wrapped) box and tore off the wrapping paper. She raised an eyebrow at me once she saw the white box and I smirked, gesturing for her to continue. She smiled and opened the box. She gasped and about dropped the box. 

"Draco." She gasped. I smiled, "It's a promise ring." My mother was about in tears. My father had absolutely nothing to say. And I was completely happy with that. She picked it up and examined it. It was a gold ring which had the word Gryffindor on one side and both our names on the other. There was a leaf pattern on the outside, leading to the bright red jewel, surrounded by flower pedals. It was a red and gold flower. 

 Hermione had tears in her eyes. "Draco. It's- It's a-amazing!" I smiled, "You like it?" She frowned, "Like it? I love it!" She put it on and kissed me. Normally, I wouldn't have been so excited for my parents to see me kissing anyone in front of them. But at the moment, I really didn't give a damn.

My father cleared his throat and we reluctantly broke apart. She frowned, "And to think, I got you a book." I laughed, "No. You gave me something even better than a ring. You gave me your love." She grinned and kissed me again. This time only a peck. I guess she didn't feel like getting embarrassed by my parents. 

It was awkwardly silent until my mother said, "Well, how about some breakfast?" And hustled into the kitchen. 


I woke up, expecting Draco to be next to me. But when I turned over, he was no where to be seen. I glanced at the door and noticed it was slightly open. He must've went downstairs. I sighed and got out of bed to get changed.

As I was getting dressed, I thought about Harry, Ginny, and Ron. The three of them were currently at the burrow, probably opening presents and being stuffed full with food from Mrs. Weasley. I smiled at the thought of Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley was always my second mother. No matter if I was dating Ron or not. She always cared about everyone and it warmed my heart. 

I grabbed Draco's present and walked down the stairs. I saw Draco slouching on the couch, looking bored. Mr. Malfoy was scowling at the ground, and Mrs. Malfoy was talking about Astoria Greengrass's mother. 

Draco spotted me and sighed in relief, "Granger! It's about time you woke up!" He stood up. I stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked. "Well Good morning and Happy Christmas." Narcissa said, smiling. "Let's open presents." She said. 

Narcissa and Lucius went first. Lucius had gotten Narcissa a new magical vase that cleaned the water and kept plants alive longer. While Narcissa had gotten Lucius some charming suits for work. 

I set the wrapped book down in front of Draco nervously. He smiled and opened it. He immediately grinned. "This is the book you always have your nose in, isn't it?" I laughed and shrugged, "I guess you could say it like that, yes." He grinned and quickly flipped through it. I frowned, "Do you like it?" I asked. He kissed me and nodded, "Absolutely." Relief flooded my face and Draco smirked. 

"Your turn." He said, sliding a small box over to me. I picked it up hesitantly and looked at Draco. He said, "Go on Granger, open it." I picked up the box and tore off the wrapping paper. I raised an eyebrow at him once I saw the white box and he smirked and gestured for me to continue. I smiled and opened the box. I gasped and about dropped the box.

Inside was... a ring. "Draco." I gasped. I saw him smile, "It's a promise ring." Narcissa was about in tears. Lucius was speechless. I picked it up and examined it. It was a gold ring which had the word Gryffindor on one side and both our names on the other. There was a leaf pattern on the outside, leading to the bright red jewel, surrounded by flower pedals. It was a red and gold flower.

I knew I had tears in my eyes. "Draco. It's- It's a-amazing!" He smiled, "You like it?" I frowned, "Like it? I love it!" I slipped it on and kissed him. I wasn't even thinking about Narcissa or Lucius' reaction. I was too happy. I loved Draco because he could be the funniest and most sarcastic person ever, and in two seconds he could be sweet and romantic.

Lucius cleared his throat and we reluctantly broke apart. I frowned, "And to think, I got you a book." I felt extremely guilty. Draco laughed, "No. You gave me something even better than a ring. You gave me your love." I grinned, and there's the sweet and romantic side. I kissed him again. This time only a peck. I didn't feel like getting embarrassed by Draco's parents.  

It was awkwardly silent until Narcissa said, "Well, how about some breakfast?" And hustled right into the kitchen. 


This chapter though... <3 <3

Anyways.... thank you so much for 680 views and 45 votes!!!! Don't forget... I luv comments!


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